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AI for Coaches: The 6 Best Tools to Use in Your Business

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If you’re considering using AI in your coaching business, you’re in the right place.

Today, you’ll learn how to use AI to save time and help more clients achieve results. (Plus, I’ll also share when you shouldn’t rely on AI.

Ready? Here’s how to use AI for coaches.

What are the benefits of using AI in your coaching business?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, can help run and grow your coaching business by helping you: 

  • Manage your time
  • Get data-driven insights 
  • Scale your business

Let’s look at each of these. 

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Manage your time

Above all, it saves you valuable time by automating administrative tasks.

AI-powered scheduling tools like Motion simplify managing your calendar and eliminate all the back and forth.

Get valuable insights

Another benefit of AI for coaches is getting valuable insights that make your coaching more effective.

With a tool like Otter.ai, you can transcribe client sessions to analyze and identify patterns and areas for improvement. 

But you can do more with that data than just helping individual clients. 

The information you gather will help you find new ways to improve your coaching, business decisions, and marketing efforts.

Scale your business

Finally, AI for coaches makes it easier to scale your business and grow your client base without compromising quality.

For example, tools like Sana can engage with clients and answer frequently asked questions.

However, I do want to caveat before getting into any tools that you shouldn’t rely on AI.

AI isn’t perfect and things like the content it creates is very generic. 

AI also doesn’t have intrapersonal or creative skills. 

So look at AI more as a helpful tool than something to outsource your entire business to.

Here’s what I mean: 

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of AI for coaches, let’s talk about the best tools.

6 best AI coaching tools

There are hundreds of AI tools on the market – and the industry keeps growing.

So how do you choose one?

By thinking about what you need, whether it’s help with writing, managing administrative tasks, or something else entirely.

Here are some of my favorite AI tools for coaches.


ChatGPT website

ChatGPT instantly creates responses based on the input it receives.

For instance, when I asked it to define coaching, I got this response in seconds:

“Coaching is about having someone by your side who listens, asks questions, and helps you reach your goals, whether they’re personal or professional.”

ChatGPT can create new client materials, brainstorm blog ideas, access coaching frameworks, or generate marketing content.

And much more. 

But here’s the catch.

The quality of the answers you get depends on your prompt. The more engaging it is, the better the response.

So make sure yours are clear and detailed, ask specific questions, and provide context. 

Let’s say I was looking for help creating a new assessment tool for my clients. I would use a prompt like this:

“Develop a set of thought-provoking questions for my assessment tool, aiding clients in identifying strengths and areas for growth in personal and professional areas. Questions should encourage reflection on achievements, challenges, skills, and aspirations to facilitate insights into development needs.”

This prompt is effective because it communicates what I’m looking for and offers guidance on the content I need.

Here’s what it gave me:

ChatGPT chat

However, even if you use specific prompts, ChatGPT will only be able to generate a response based on responses already available.

To create truly great work, you need to sit down and improve its answer with your own personal experience and personality.  

Try it


DALL-E website

At first glance, an image generator like DALL-E might not seem like an AI for coaches.But every coach needs engaging visuals.

They help you stand out, attract new clients, and keep your current audience engaged.

DALL-E can create any type of image, including social media posts, coaching aids like infographics, and branding materials.

Like ChatGPT, the images you get from DALL-E depend on your prompt. The more specific, the better.

But here’s the thing.

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While DALL-E is an inherently creative tool, its knowledge is limited to everyday objects and specific situations.

So, when you write your prompt, remember to keep your requests within the realm of possibility.

For example, let’s say you wanted DALL-E to create your social media posts.

A great prompt would be:

“Design compelling visuals for my coaching business’s social media. Include growth, empowerment, and positivity themes that resonate with our audience and reflect personal development and self-discovery. Images should be high-resolution and suitable for all social media platforms.”

Then, you also have to specify what types of images you want, for what platform, and their sizes. 

This type of prompt works because it’s specific.

Try it


Otter.ai website

Otter is the kind of AI for coaches that allows you to focus entirely on sessions instead of worrying about taking notes.


By converting your conversation into text in real-time, taking valuable notes, and even creating a list of action items.

It will also provide you with a full transcript and a summary that touches on key points at the end of each session.

It’s great for more than one-on-one coaching calls, though. It’s also a great tool for workshops, live online courses, team meetings, and group coaching.

Plus, you can use this tool to improve your coaching. 

By studying the summaries, notes, and transcripts, you’ll be able to identify your coaching patterns, refine your techniques, and find areas to improve.

The best part? Otter.ai will automatically join your Zoom, Google Meet, and Microsoft Teams calls.

Try it


Jasper website

Jasper is an AI writing assistant that can help you write website content and blog posts, create worksheets and exercises, and generate headlines or social media posts.

It also has a functionality to improve what you’ve already written, generate blog post ideas if you’re stuck, and optimize your content for SEO.

But here’s what really stands out about Jasper.

If you’re having trouble writing a prompt, its prompt library has over 500, including:

  • Create a landing page that captures the attention of my [target persona] and drives them to take [desired action] by utilizing persuasive language, compelling visuals, and a clear call to action.
  • Generate a headline that summarizes the benefits of [product/service] for [target audience].
  • Can you help me write an email newsletter for my business, targeting [target audience] and promoting our new service [service name]?

There are also 50+ AI templates available.

Try it

Happy Scribe

Happy Scribe website

Happy Scribe converts audio and video into editable text using speech recognition technology.

Sure, this might not seem like a necessary type of AI for coaches at first glance, but there are several ways to use it in your business.

You can transcribe coaching sessions, repurpose content from presentations or courses, or add captions to your videos to enhance accessibility.

Like Otter.ai, it allows you to reflect on your coaching sessions and gain new insights into your style, interactions, and techniques.

Upload your audio file, video, or URL on Happy Scribe, and it will automatically transcribe it in minutes. 

Try it


InVideo website

InVideo is the go-to AI for coaches looking to create videos that connect with clients in an engaging way.

It can turn text prompts into videos, edit videos, make slideshows, create faceless videos, and even write scripts.

You can also clone your voice for more personalized narration. 

But why does that matter for coaches?

Because it can be used to create videos used for social media, marketing, and more. 

There’s no software to download, either. Just write prompts that outline the video type, duration, platform, language, and desired tone.

And if you need to edit it, you can do it manually or by entering another prompt.

Try it

Now that you know what the best AI tools for coaches are, let’s discuss the dos and don’ts of using it in your business.

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How to use AI in your coaching business

Here’s the thing about AI for coaches.

You can use it for many things in your business. But not everything.

Let’s start with what it can help with.

Ways to use AI in your business 

Here are some of the best ways to use AI for coaches: 

  • Chatbots: Putting an interactive, AI-powered chatbot on your website is a great way to engage with visitors, help them quickly get answers to the most frequently asked questions, and provide basic coaching information.
  • Virtual assistants: Virtual assistants will help free up your time by automating administrative and repetitive tasks like scheduling appointments, sending reminders, and managing client communication.
  • Content creation and personalization: You can use AI for content creation and personalization in two ways. The first is to help brainstorm and generate blog posts, articles, and social media content that will drive interest in your services. It can also help create the kind of personalized content and tools that will help your clients reach their goals more quickly. That includes things like coaching plans, goal-setting frameworks, and progress-tracking templates. 
  • Data analysis: AI makes analyzing client data like assessments and transcripts easier, which helps you identify patterns and better anticipate their needs or overcome roadblocks. But it can also help you find ways to improve your coaching techniques.
  • Voice analysis: Being able to gauge a client’s tone, sentiment, and emotional state during a coaching session provides clear insight into their mindset. Having that sort of understanding will empower you to change your coaching approach as needed and ultimately make your coaching more effective.
  • Accessibility: Using AI-powered language translation can be a great way to support clients from different backgrounds. Plus, offering transcripts or captions can help clients who might have difficulty hearing.
  • Skill development: AI tools can help you create personalized skill development tools, resources, and interactive modules that support each client’s journey.

How not to use AI in your business

While the benefits of AI for coaches are great, it’s important not to become reliant on it.

Here are a few things to remember about AI for coaches.

AI isn’t a replacement

Remember what makes coaching special: the personal connection between you and your client.

AI can’t replace that (or even replicate it).

Because no matter how good a tool’s answers or suggestions are, it can’t offer the empathy or understanding that are so crucial to coaching.

AI for coaches should foster that connection rather than replace it.

AI is biased

At the end of the day, AI is the data it’s been trained on.

If there’s any bias in that data, it could impact the answers it gives you. 

For example, if the training data is skewed toward specific demographics, it might discriminate against others.

So keep a close eye on recommendations and ensure they’re fair. Otherwise, AI could harm rather than help your clients’ progress.

AI isn’t always safe 

Look, I know the assessments, notes, and feedback AI provides are hugely helpful.

But your clients trust you to help them while safeguarding their privacy.

And the reality is their data and privacy aren’t always safe in the hands of AI tools. A company could suffer a data breach or even sell it.

Maintain client trust

Honesty is a two-way street in a client-coach relationship, so you need to be transparent about using AI for coaches in your own business.

That includes explaining why you’re using it, how it enhances coaching, and the steps you’re taking to keep their information safe.

This is the only way clients will be able to give informed consent.

And, if at any point they want you to stop using AI, you’ll need to withdraw and delete their data immediately.

With all of this in mind, what does the future of AI for coaches look like? 

Keep reading to find out!

What is the future of coaching with AI? 

Ultimately, the future of AI lies in how it complements rather than replaces coaches.

Only you have the experience, creativity, and empathy needed to be a great coach in your niche.

AI should amplify those qualities.

So, look at it as a means of becoming a better coach. 

If you embrace AI to elevate your skills and unique coaching approach, you’ll create more long-lasting, mentor-like connections with each client.

I talk more about why AI isn’t going to take over your business anytime soon: 

What’s next? 

There you have it!

A complete guide to AI for coaches.

Are you ready to create a six-figure coaching business using AI for coaches?

I’ll show you how in this free PDF: 

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Read more:

Best Coaching Templates

Top Coaching Software Tools

The Best Tools for Coaches

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

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