And that’s what we do around here. Support you in reaching your big entrepreneurial dreams. So that you can transform not just your own life, but the world.”
How do I know it’s possible for YOU?
I’ve helped thousands, and counting, of Entrepreneurials how to go from employee to entrepreneur, and scale their businesses to 6- and 7-figures.
Over 100,000 people on social media and my email list look to me for support and guidance in starting their own businesses, and I’ve been featured in numerous publications including Forbes, Inc, Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and more.
Growing up, I had no idea that entrepreneurship was even a thing. Instead, I dreamed of being the CEO of a major corporation. (At least I never lacked in the dreams department.)
The child of Chinese immigrant parents, I was taught that a steady job and paycheck were the ticket to the American Dream—and I bought in.
I wanted it all—the power, the corner office, the big paycheck, and a closet full of Manolos. So I did the things you’re “supposed” to do: I worked my butt off and got into a good school (Princeton), where I majored in something safe (electrical engineering) that would guarantee me a job until retirement.
By the time I was 25, I was managing a team overseeing millions of dollars in business each year. From the outside, I was “making it “— and I had the six-figure salary, luxury apartment, and proud parents to prove it.
Because I was living my parents’ dream—not mine.
And while I wanted to make my parents proud, I realized I needed to do it my way. I wanted more out of my career—and my life—and I knew there had to be something better than working at a 9-to-5 I wasn’t passionate about.
So I went all in and started my own business. Or rather, businesses: First teaching the Microsoft Excel skills, then the career skills, and then the digital advertising skills I’d learned from my time in corporate.
(Remember when I told you I didn’t have an overnight success story?)
I didn’t march into my boss’s office and dramatically announce that I was quitting (as much as I wanted to). Instead, I stayed in my job and worked on my business on the side until I was confident I could rely on it to at least pay the bills.
And guess what?
Everything finally came together and I made $106K in sales in 4 months, while still working at my 9-to-5.
For the first time since I’d started working, I felt passionate and fulfilled by my work—something I’d never experienced in my regular job.
And seven months after turning in my notice, I’d grown my business into over a million dollars in sales.
As someone whose parents repeatedly asked her, “When are you going to give up this crazy business nonsense?”, who didn’t know a single entrepreneur, and whom nobody expected to succeed, here’s what I now know beyond a shadow of doubt…
Today, I teach smart, ambitious people like you how to start and grow your own business. I’ve helped thousands of Entrepreneurials start their own business from scratch, make their first 10k to 100k in less than a year, and scale from 6- to 7-figures.
And my advice has been featured in numerous online and print publications including Forbes, Business Insider, Inc, Entrepreneur, and more.
My goal is to inspire you and show you that anything is possible. If you can dream it, I can help you build it.
This is where I share the behind-the-scenes of running a 7-figure business (as well as regular updates on the adorably goofy Falco!)
For strategic, actionable, and proven advice on building your business. From someone who’s been there, done that, and has your back.
Plus, you'll get my Escape Velocity Plan for building an online coaching business that creates the income & freedom you want.
Here are a few fun facts…
I’m a Southern girl (everything’s bigger in Texas!) turned New Yorker with Chinese immigrant parents.
That means I appreciate an ice-cold sweet tea just as much as a handmade Moynat bag. Plus, you can trust that I’ll always give it to you straight, NYC style…while adding a dollop of Southern charm.
I’m a serious introvert who found the idea of starting her own business completely overwhelming.
Like “hide under a blanket and binge-watch Game of Thrones until the urge to create your own business passes” kind of introvert. Now, I’m redefining what it means to be a successful leader, businesswoman, coach, teacher, and entrepreneur.
In past lives, I’ve been an International Space Station engineer, a mobile payments start-up co-founder, and a digital advertising manager for companies looking to fuel their marketing with artificial intelligence. Any way you slice it, I’m a true blue nerd. And I love it.
Family is hands-down the most important thing to me.
That’s part of the reason I’m such an advocate for building your own business—it’s the best way to create true freedom. When you have that, you can spend your life the way you want, with the people who mean the most to you.
For me, that’s my parents, sister, and husband. (And goofy German Shepherd, Falco.)
In fact, this was a huge motivator for me to start my first business. In the span of two years, my mother was diagnosed with both uterine and breast cancer (she’s currently in remission), my father was rushed to the ER for life-saving heart surgery, and my sister suffered a freak snowball injury that threatened to take her sight. Needing the freedom to be with my loved ones when they needed me gave me the motivation, like nothing else at the time could, to overcome my fears and take action.
Luisa Zhou is the founder of, which teaches people how to go from employee to entrepreneur, and scale their businesses to 6- and 7-figures. She’s helped thousands start their own business from scratch, make their first 10k to 100k in less than a year, and scale to 6- and 7-figures.
Luisa has appeared in numerous online and print publications including Forbes, Business Insider, Money, Inc, Entrepreneur, Success magazine, and more.
A graduate of Princeton University, Luisa majored in electrical engineering. She currently lives in New York City with her husband and goofball of a German Shepherd, Falco.
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