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19 Best Coaching Templates: The Definitive List in 2024

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What are the best coaching templates for your business? 

If you’re new to coaching, you have so much to learn. Templates can be a great way to become a better coach faster. 

But you need the right coaching toolkit. And that’s what you’ll get in today’s list of all the best templates. 

Want to learn more? Read on!

Coaching templates

Let’s start with general coaching templates that help you coach better. These templates will help you: 

  • Hold better coaching sessions 
  • Setting up safe coaching contracts
  • Creating a coaching website
  • And much more!

First up: Coaching sessions. 

Coaching session template 

Coaching sessions are the coaching calls you have with your clients. Ultimately, all your coaching calls are about helping your clients get results.  

And that’s key when structuring your calls – to have a goal for every call. That goal supports the overall goal of your coaching program. 

Your calls then focus on helping your clients move forwards with questions like, “Where can I give you more support?”  

This coaching template helps you hold effective coaching sessions. Use the structure along with the questions to help your clients achieve their goal. 

GROW coaching session template 

GROW (Goal, Reality, Options, and Way Forward) is a coaching technique that some coaches use to structure their sessions. This free coaching template offers a planning sheet for implementing GROW. 

Fill it in with questions like: 

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What is their goal for the next couple of weeks?

Where are they now?

What else can they do to achieve their goal? 

What is the specific plan before the next session?

At the end of the session, your client should have a clear idea of how to face their challenges to break through to the next level. 

Coaching contract template 

Lisa Fraley is a legal coach and attorney who I know and trust. 

And she has a great coaching contract template for new and established coaches to protect their businesses. 

But first, do you even need a contract template? 

Yes! Your coaching agreement tells your clients your policy on refunds, payments, sessions, and limitations of your service. 

It protects your business from unlawful lawsuits.

And research shows that contracts build trust. 

Lisa’s contract template DIY kit includes: 

  • A client agreement template you can easily adapt to your coaching services
  • An audio instruction guide to show you how to customize the template

It costs just $397 which is a small price to pay to be protected. 

Legal starter kit for coaches 

A coaching agreement is one thing. But you also need to have other things in place to make your business legal.

If you have a website, you need privacy policies and disclaimers.

Fortunately, Lisa Fraley also has a legal starter kit you can buy and adapt for your needs. 

Her toolkit includes a:

  • Client agreement template 
  • Mini disclaimer you can use for social media pages and PDFs
  • Website disclaimer 
  • Website terms and conditions
  • GDPR-compliant privacy policy

Coaching business plan template 

A business plan maps out the goals of your business and how you’ll achieve those goals. 

Now, I actually don’t recommend that my students create a business plan. 

That’s because your business will most likely change, especially after you get your first few clients and understand how you can best serve them. 

But if you want to create a roadmap for yourself, then write a simple business plan. This template shows you how.

Business model canvas template

A business model canvas is a simplified, one-page business plan that consists of nine building blocks. 

You’ll define your customers, operations, and marketing channels. 

I love this approach because it’s a simple guide to get your business mapped out without the long MBA-type business plan. 

Coaching website template 

Your coaching website is like your professional storefront. It shows potential clients what your brand stands for and how you can help them succeed. 

According to my website designer, Laura Patricelli, a good coaching website has these five ingredients: 

  1. Clear calls-to-action
  2. Easy-to-read headers, text, and images
  3. Professional branding and design
  4. Simple navigation
  5. Optimized page load speed

If you want to make your website yourself, I recommend making a WordPress website with Elementor as your website template.

Elementor is a drag-and-drop tool that includes plenty of pre-made page layouts – so it’s really simple to use.  

Coaching service templates 

Want the best templates for your coaching services? These templates will help you run your coaching business smoothly. 

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Intake form template 

A coaching client intake form is a form that your client completes before you start working together. 

It’s a questionnaire that gives you all of the basic details about your client. 

You can also use the intake form to help your client identify their main goals and what type of support they are looking for.

Customize yours to suit your coaching niche with specific questions. This intake form guide will give you some ideas.

Coaching invoice template 

If you want to be a business owner, you need to send and track your invoices. 

To create one, you can use this coaching invoice template. You need to customize the template with your rate, your client’s billing details, and your company’s details. 

But other than that, invoices are pretty simple.

Coaching plan template 

A coaching plan is a personalized action plan you create with your client before you start coaching. 

Using this template, you can outline the client’s specific goals and assess where they are at with their journey so far.

This is a great way to identify any potential obstacles and problem-solve them before they come up. You can also help your client identify their support system to make achieving their goals easier. 

Also, adapt this template to suit your niche. 

For example, if you’re a health coach, you might want to add a section on starting health measurements.

Coaching package template 

A high-ticket coaching package is the basis of your coaching business. Without an amazing offer, you can’t attract the clients you want to help. 

To build a coaching package that works, you need to know:

  • Who is the package for?
  • What does the package promise? 
  • How do you want to deliver the coaching? 
  • What is the flow of the program?

My template is based on a three-month structure with weekly or bi-weekly coaching sessions. 

Use it to create actionable milestones you can guide clients through each month. 

If you want to learn more about building your first coaching package, this video will explain it all: 

Coaching bio template

Your coaching bio is a short summary of who you are and what you do. It’s useful for your website, guest features, and social media. 

You want it to be concise, but you also want it to have all of the elements of a bio. 

They are:

  • Your niche: What type of coaching do you do? Who do you work with?
  • The results you create for clients: How do you help clients transform their lives? 
  • Your credentials: Do you have any education, certifications, or work experience that will make your audience trust you more? 
  • One fun fact: A fun fact can make your bio pop but only if it’s appropriate for your niche.

For example, I usually write that I live with my husband and goofy dog in my bios to add a human element to my brand.

Put those together and you have a coaching bio that attracts clients and tells your story. Use my template in the link to create your own bio. 

Coaching tools 

These coaching templates are tools that help your client understand themselves better. You can adapt them to every coaching niche.

Wheel of life 

The Wheel of Life is a coaching exercise with eight sections that represent each area of life. 

Your client rates each area out of ten depending on their satisfaction. They draw the line across the section. This creates a visual representation of how balanced their life feels right now.  

You can use this life coaching template to send to your clients so that they can complete the exercise. 

Goal exploration 

Goal setting is one of the most important factors of coaching. 

Studies show that effective goal setting can increase motivation and support behavior change. 

So this goal exploration template for coaches is a framework to define your client’s vision for the future. 

What do they really want? And how can you break those big goals down into small achievable steps?

Use this valuable tool to implement this exercise in your coaching practice. 

Problem-solving packet 

Some top researchers describe coaching as collaborative problem-solving. This is a great way to look at it. 

Your client comes to you with a problem, and you work together to discover solutions. 

These problem-solving worksheets are great guides for you and your client to find actionable solutions  in your coaching process. 

Behavior chart

As a coach, you’re an accountability partner for your clients. 

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A behavior chart can help track their progress

Your client writes down the goals they have for each week. Then at the end of each day, they write down what they actually did. 

In the next coaching session, check their progress and problem-solve anything that might be holding your client back. 

Building new habits

Habit change is one of the hardest but most effective ways to help your clients transform their lives. 

The idea is that small changes make a big impact over time. 

As a coach, you can help clients identify which small habits they can make or break to achieve their goals. 

This habit change template gives your client a blueprint for building healthy habits that last.

Employee coaching program templates

If you’re an executive coach or a manager coaching employees, these templates are for you.

Employee coaching templates

If your employee is struggling at work, you can use coaching techniques to work with them on the issue. 

This template gives you a simple way of identifying problems and discussing potential solutions to improve performance. Use the template during each session to track progress.

Coaching template for managers

If you don’t have any major issues with your employee’s performance but things could be a little better, this template is for you. 

You can help your employee spot anything that might be affecting their work by setting goals, creating an action plan, and agreeing on deadlines

For other free resources, take a look at my guide on the best coaching resources

Next steps 

Now you have all of the coaching templates for creating a thriving coaching business. 

But templates will only get you so far.

To build a coaching business that offers you a way to have an impact, flexibility, and freedom, you need the right strategies. 

And that’s what you get in my blueprint for building a six-figure coaching business.

Get it now!

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Read more

The Benefits of Coaching 

How To Create Your Signature Coaching Program

The Top Life Coaching Intake Form Questions

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

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