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26 Solopreneur Business Ideas to Start THIS Week

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Since you’ve clicked on this article, I’m going to make an assumption:

You’re tired of your 9-to-5. 

In this article, you’ll learn the best solopreneur ideas of 2024 that can help you do things like:

  • Quit your boring desk job
  • Travel whenever you want
  • Make more money than you ever thought possible

Let’s get started!

What is a solopreneur?

A solopreneur is an entrepreneur who runs their business on their own. In other words, they’re in charge of everything – from creating their offer to marketing their business.

They can be freelancers, consultants, coaches, ecommerce owners… You name it. 

And they’re no small group: 

According to Statista, freelancers will account for over 50% of the US workforce by 2027.

For example, I run my own business as a one-person business. 

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I’m the only employee – but I have a team of contractors who help me build my business. 

I started my business to get out of my 9-5 job. And today, it takes me a few hours to run every week – while I focus on my other businesses and spending time with my family (my husband Stephen and our beloved German Shepherd, Falco). 

Okay, now that we know what being a solopreneur means, let’s talk about how you can become one.

The best one-person business ideas in 2024

Depending on your skills and interests, there are plenty of ideas that you could turn into a thriving business. 

Here are my top recommendations.

1. Coaching 

As a coach, your role would be to guide your clients to help them reach their specific goals

And since people have all sorts of different goals, there are a lot of niches to choose from.


My student Ruby runs a six-figure relationship coaching business to help quality guys find quality women.

Screenshot of Good gentleman website

Another client, David, helps people lose weight using herbs.

Wisdom Square website

So, bottom line here: 

If you want to make a big impact while earning great money, coaching is the best business model to choose as a solopreneur. 

You don’t need a fancy website or expensive certification to get started

What you really need is an offer that people are willing to pay for.

How do I know? Because I’ve scaled my coaching business to eight figures myself

I’ve also helped thousands of students start successful coaching businesses, so I know what works and what doesn’t. 

Start here: 100 High-Ticket Life Coaching Niches

2. Consulting

Coaching and consulting are similar in that advice is important to both. 

But here’s one way they differ: 

As a coach, you’d work with your clients to help them reach their goals – rather than doing everything for them. 

As a consultant, though, your role would be to evaluate a problem and create a plan to solve it

For example, a company might hire a consultant to find out why sales are down and address the root cause. 

Think of it this way… 

Consultants focus on solving a particular problem – versus helping a particular client.

Sound interesting? 

First, identify a hole in the market that you could fill. 

And remember: 

Like with coaching, offering results is much more important than having a perfect website or years of experience.

Elite Advantage Prep website
For example, my student Anna offers college admissions consulting

Start here: How to Become a Successful Consultant

3. Course creator

As a course creator, you’d make courses to educate people about a topic and help them solve their problems. 

For example, one of my courses is called Clients Come to Me, and it helps a specific market segment (entrepreneurs) solve a specific challenge they have (having to hustle to get clients).

That’s just an example, though. 

You could create a course about virtually anything.

Don’t know what to choose? 

Ultimately, you should know enough about a topic that you can offer great value. 

If you can deliver on your promises and there’s an audience for what you want to offer… you’re on the right track.

Start here: How To Create an Online Course

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4. Graphic designer

Graphic designers can be in charge of creating a wide range of visuals for clients, from logos to social media content. 

Okay, but maybe you’re thinking:

Luisa, that sounds interesting, but… I don’t have a degree in graphic design.”

Don’t worry – you don’t absolutely need one.

What you SHOULD have is experience using common graphic design tools, like InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator

You should also know about design theory and how to use things like proportions, colors, and fonts effectively.

Start here: How to Become a Graphic Designer Without a Degree: A First-hand Account

5. Blogging

If you’re a good writer and like the idea of building an audience through your own website, consider blogging. 

You might not realize this, but… blogging is STILL an incredibly effective tool for influencing people and driving traffic. 

In fact, according to LinkedIn, 77% of internet users read blogs. 

And keep in mind…

You don’t need an advanced degree to be a good blogger.

Effective blogging is all about creating engaging, informative content that your target audience actually wants to read. 

For that, you should know how to write effectively and use your personality to connect with people. 

Screenshot of Luisa Zhou’s blog
My own blog is one of the biggest revenue drivers in my business!

Start here: ​​How to Start a Blog: 12 Super Simple Steps for Beginners

6. Freelance writing

Freelance writing means writing content for clients without being a salaried employee. 

Depending on who you work with, you could write a variety of different types of content, including articles, newsletters, and ebooks. 

What’s great about going freelance is that you can choose your clients and what types of projects you want to take on. 

Another perk? You can work from anywhere, which gives you huge freedom.

Ultimately, if you want to become a great freelance writer, the key is to practice. 

Even if you don’t have any clients yet, you can still write and publish content on platforms like Medium for your portfolio.  

Start here: How to Become a Freelance Writer From Scratch (Complete Guide)

7. Virtual assistant 

As a virtual assistant (VA), you’d support a business or busy professional with business-related tasks.

So, for example… 

If you worked for a CEO, you might be in charge of things like organizing their schedule and setting their appointments. 

Or, you might do things like social media management and customer service… It depends on your interests and your client’s needs.

Because there are all kinds of industries and professionals who need VAs, first decide what services you want to offer. 

Niching down will help you stand out and land clients faster.

Start here: How to Become a Virtual Assistant | Coursera 

8. Content creation (podcasting and video)  

We’ve already covered blogging as one form of content creation, but there are others. For example, podcasts and videos are highly engaging forms of content. 

How engaging? 

Quick example: According to research, the average American listens to eight podcasts a week

And video content is also wildly popular

Which means? Depending on what your niche is, you could become a successful solopreneur through content creation.

To get started, think about what audience you want to attract, and research your competition. 

You don’t need any formal training to become a content creator, but you should know whether there’s a demand for what you want to offer.

Screenshot of Luisa Zhou’s YouTube channel
I publish content on multiple channels, including YouTube and my blog.

Start here

How To Start A Podcast And Make Money – Forbes Advisor 

How To Become A Successful Video Content Creator – Insights From KallmeKris 

9. Web designing

As a web designer, you’d make websites pretty and easy to use. 

Sound like something you’d love to do?

Good news: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field is expected to grow by 16% in the coming years – much faster than average.  
To get your foot in the door, learn about things like user experience (UX) and visual design. It can also help to learn basic HTML and CSS for small website tweaks.

Design Mastermind website
My designer Laura runs an awesome design agency, Design Mastermind!

Start here: What Does a Web Designer Do (and How Do I Become One)? | Coursera 

10. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing means promoting a business’s product or service in exchange for a commission. 

Example: Let’s say you have an interior design blog that gets a lot of traffic. 

In that case, you could partner with a furniture business, talk to your audience about that company, and earn a cut of the sales you drive.

Technically, anyone can become an affiliate marketer. But if you want to make it a significant source of passive income, start by building an audience that you can market to first. 

Start here: The Ultimate Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming an Affiliate Marketer 

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11. Mobile app development

Love technology? 

Good news: Building apps can be incredibly lucrative. In some cases, you could make six figures for a single app

As a developer, you could either build apps for clients or build and monetize your own apps through subscriptions or ads.

Before getting started, though, be sure to learn the programming languages you’ll need, like Swift and JavaScript

It can also help to contribute to open-source projects, get internships, and network effectively.

Start here: How To Become A Mobile App Developer [In-Depth Guide] 

12. Event planning

As an event planner, you’d be in charge of organizing events, from brainstorming activities to coordinating with venues and making sure things run smoothly the day of. 

For example, you could organize business events, weddings, parties, and so on. 

If you have strong organizational skills and work well under pressure, this career could be an ideal choice. 

One way to get your foot in the door? 

Offer to volunteer for an established event planner. Once you have experience and references, that can help you start your own business. 

Start here: What Is an Event Planner? How to Become One, Salary, Skills. | Built In

13. Copywriting 

Copywriters produce content with one specific goal: To make sales. So, for example, copywriters can write things like:

  • Promotional emails
  • Landing pages
  • Product descriptions

…And much more.

As a copywriter, your job would be to offer results. Remember: If you can offer results, you can charge a lot because you’re WORTH a lot.

The key is to practice. 

Once you get some experience under your belt, you’ll be able to apply to jobs on sites like Upwork, get reviews, and increase your rates. 

Start here: Copywriting 101: How to Become a Copywriter [Free Guide] 

14. Photographer

As a photographer, you can earn great money, have a flexible schedule, and decide what kinds of clients you want to have. 

For example, if you work well under pressure, consider becoming a wedding photographer: You can charge high rates and work less during the off-season.

But there are all kinds of different niches you could choose from, including commercial, fashion, and portrait photography. 

To get started, familiarize yourself with the professional camera and tools you’ll need, like Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop

You can also take courses to help you gain essential skills you’ll need as a photographer.

Start here: How to Become a Professional Photographer 

15. Dog walking 

If you love animals, becoming a professional dog walker could be a great way to become a solopreneur. 

These days, a lot of people have dogs but don’t necessarily have time to walk them every day.

That’s where you’d come in. 

To get started, contact your local animal shelter or veterinarian to let them know you offer dog walking services. 

If you don’t have any experience yet, offer to walk friends’ dogs and use the reviews you get to land paying work.  

Start here: How to Become a Dog Walker: Step-By-Step Guide | Hepper 

16. Social media management 

As a social media manager, you’d run a business’s social media strategy to engage with its target market and expand its reach.

To succeed in this role, you should be creative and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.

Don’t have any experience yet? Don’t worry, there are plenty of courses you can take to give you a good foundation. 

Start here: How to Become a Social Media Manager – A Complete Guide 

17. Selling craft goods

If you love creating things, selling your craft goods can be a perfect way to become a solopreneur. 

You can sell online using your own website, open a shop on a platform like Etsy, or take part in in-person events like craft fairs to sell your creations.

Start here: 10 Things You MUST Do to Have a Successful Online Craft Business | Create & Thrive 

18. Personal training

As a personal trainer, your role would be to help people improve their health through better diet and exercise. 

To set yourself up for success, get a certification that’s accredited by the National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA). 

A few examples include the American Council on Exercise (ACE), the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), and the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA).

Once you’re certified, it’ll be easier to find work in a variety of different settings, like gyms and wellness centers. 

Start here: How to Become a Personal Trainer (Next Steps + Requirements) 

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19. Tutoring

Tutoring someone means helping them improve in a certain subject area or skill set. For example, as a tutor, you could give kids math lessons to supplement what they learn in school.

One advantage of tutoring? You can offer your services in-person or online, which broadens your reach. 

To get started, make sure you know enough about a subject to be able to explain concepts in simple terms. This is especially important if you work with children.

Start here: How to become an online tutor: A step-by-step guide from Preply 

20. Home repair services

If you’re good at fixing or building things, offering home repair services can be a lucrative way to become a solopreneur. 

For example, you could specialize in fixing appliances (think washing machines or dishwashers) or work on carpentry projects instead.

Before setting up shop, find out what licensing requirements exist in your state, if any. 

Start here: How to Start a Home Repair Business in 5 Easy Steps | Handyman Startup 

21. Ecommerce business

As an ecommerce solopreneur, you could sell products online through a variety of platforms, from social media apps to e-commerce sites like Shopify

Before getting started, though, research your idea and see if there’s a demand you could fill. You’ll also want to stay up-to-date on trends

Remember: If you offer what people are actively looking for, that’ll make sales a LOT easier.

Start here: How To Start an Ecommerce Business: Shopify Guide 

22. Cleaning services

Cleaning is an essential service. 

Which means? 

By starting a cleaning business, you could choose virtually any niche: from house cleaning to corporate settings. 

And though there’s no right or wrong way to go here, identifying your target audience will help you market directly to them

For example, if you’re targeting retirees, they might not have the same expectations as a big corporation. So, before getting started, find out what your chosen demographic wants. 

Start here: How To Start A Cleaning Business (Guide) – Forbes Advisor 

23. Marketing strategy services 

Being a marketing strategist is all about developing efficient ways to help businesses reach their marketing goals. 

But you might be thinking, “Isn’t that what a marketing manager does?”

Not exactly.

The big difference is that marketing strategists have a long-term vision, whereas marketing managers focus on shorter-term marketing activities. 

So, to be a strategist, it’s helpful to have a background in marketing, copywriting, or a similar field. 

But most importantly, you should know how to develop a plan to help your clients reach their big-picture marketing goals.

Start here: How To Become a Digital Marketing Strategist in 4 Steps | Indeed.com 

24. Bookkeeping

As a bookkeeper, you’d be in charge of managing your clients’ finances. 

So, this could include things like creating financial reports, tracking transactions, and monitoring accounts to look out for discrepancies. 

Good news: You don’t need a college degree to get started. 

But you SHOULD familiarize yourself with relevant bookkeeping software, like Quickbooks and Expensify

Start here: How To Pursue a Career as a Bookkeeper | Indeed.com 

25. Technical writing 

Technical writers explain complicated ideas or concepts in a way that’s easier to understand. So, for example, as a technical writer, you could write guides, manuals, and so on. 

Okay, but maybe you’re wondering, “Luisa, what’s the difference between technical writers and copywriters?”

Great question.

Technical writers focus on explaining. Copywriters focus on selling

Both are important, but they’re not the same.

To get your foot in the door, though, you’ll need a similar approach: Write a lot. And practice presenting information in a way that makes people think, “I understand this.”

Start here: What Is a Technical Writer? How to Become One, Salary, Skills. | Built In 

26. Data analytics consulting

As a data analytics consultant, you’d help businesses make their data analytics processes better. 

Depending on your interests and expertise, you could work on a variety of different tasks – from creating data models to teaching people how to analyze data themselves. 

If you love technology and have good communication skills, data analytics can be an ideal way to dive into solopreneurship. 

To get started, familiarize yourself with programming languages you might need, like Python, R, and SQL

It can also help to get a relevant certification or internship

Start here: What Does a Data Analytics Consultant Do? (And How To Become One) | Indeed.com 

For more, take a look at these side hustle ideas: 

How to run a solopreneur business

Now you know what solopreneur businesses there are… But how do you run one? 

Take these steps: 

  • Be on top of your finances: YOU are in charge of your income, so you need to budget and track your income and expenses. There are online tools for this and you can work with an accountant.
  • Get organized: If you learn how to build systems and manage your projects, building your business will be 10X easier. I talk more about it here. 
  • Focus on the most important things: Get clients using ONE strategy and take steps every day to land your first clients. 

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Should you become a solopreneur?

Though solopreneurship isn’t for everyone, it could be a great fit for you if…

  • You want the freedom to be your own boss, set your own schedule, and make more money
  • You’re willing to put in the time and work needed to grow a business
  • You have marketable skills

And here’s the thing…

Being a solopreneur doesn’t have to be a huge investment. 

In fact, if you decide to become a coach or consultant, you’ll have very few overhead costs because ultimately, your expertise and guidance are what people will pay you for.

What’s next? 

Okay, now you know what the best solopreneur ideas are. As you can see, there are a LOT of options.

Feeling overwhelmed?

I’ve been there too… 

In fact, I used to work a 9-to-5 I wasn’t passionate about. 

But today? I have a thriving eight-figure business.

It didn’t happen overnight, though. And that’s why I decided to create a complete course to help people just like you grow a lot faster. 

Ready to skip the rookie mistakes? 

Here’s everything you’ll need to start a business that’ll give you more money, time, and purpose:

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Read more: 

How to Build a Business Without Social Media

How to Succeed in Business: Proven Steps 

Top Benefits of an Online Business

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

Hope you enjoy this blog post.

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