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How to Hire a Virtual Assistant for Coaches (+top VA sites)

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What’s the best way to hire a virtual assistant for coaches? 

Here, you’ll learn: 

  • How a VA can help you build your business 
  • Where to find good VAs
  • How much to pay a VA

And much more.


Let’s dive in!

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P.S. If you prefer learning in video format, I also put together this video for you:

What is a virtual assistant for coaches?

Simply put, a virtual assistant (VA) is a professional who helps you remotely.

They tackle a mix of tasks — from technical and administrative to creative ones.

In the online business space, they basically occupy what would be operations and customer service roles in other types of businesses. 

A virtual assistant for coaches isn’t just any VA, though.

They specialize in working with coaches.

They get the coaching industry’s ins and outs. And they understand the specific needs and challenges you face as a coach.

They might do your customer support, maybe do a bit of tech-related tasks like tweaking your website and sending out newsletters for you. 

Think about all those tasks you juggle daily.

An experienced VA takes those off your plate.

This way, you can focus more on what you do best — coaching and growing your business

I’ll explain the benefits of hiring a VA more in a bit.

But first, let’s see how a VA can make a difference in your coaching business.

What exactly do they do?

What does a virtual assistant for coaches do?

What can a VA do for you as a coach? Let’s break it down:

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  • Scheduling appointments and meetings: They set up your coaching sessions and meetings, so you’re always organized.
  • Managing calendars and to-dos: They keep track of your daily schedule and important tasks.
  • Responding to calls and emails: They handle communication and pass the important stuff on to you.
  • Drafting and editing documents: Need help with writing? Your VA can take care of client agreements, coaching materials, and so on.
  • Running social media accounts: Keep your online presence active and engaging without spending hours online.
  • Publishing blog posts: Maybe you or someone you hire writes your blog posts, but a VA can help you publish them. 
  • Managing and sending out newsletters: Sending out your newsletters is a task in itself – and one you can outsource to a VA. 
  • Bookkeeping: They track your finances, from invoicing to following up on payments.
  • Managing customer service inquiries: Make sure your clients get quick and professional responses.
  • Organizing events: Planning workshops or webinars? Your VA can take care of all the details, from logistics to follow-up.
  • Research and analysis: Your VA can do market research, competitor analysis, or get client feedback. 

When hiring your first VA, follow what I call the “ten-hour rule.”

Meaning, hire a VA when you have at least ten hours of work a month to outsource. 

Early on in your business, you don’t have a lot to outsource. You’re probably working with a few clients and connecting with new clients.

At this point, you should take care of your own marketing because that’s the lifeline of your business.

After all, you want to know how to do all the tasks in your business so that you can effectively outsource to other people. 

But once you’re past 5-10 clients, you’re going to start growing your business – and adding on more things.

For example, you might start building an email list or become more active on a social media platform. Those are things a VA can take off from your plate. 

But how do these tasks translate into benefits for you and your business?

We’ll go over that next.

Benefits of hiring a virtual assistant as a coach

What benefits can you expect from hiring a virtual assistant for coaches?

Here are nine important ones:

Boost productivity

A VA takes on routine tasks like scheduling, email management, and social media. This streamlining lets you pack more into your day. You have extra hours each week which you could use for client sessions or finding new clients. This way, you maximize your productive hours and do more of what adds value to your business.

Higher income

With a VA covering the administrative side, you get to zero in on what truly grows your business and increases your income. Think sales activities and improving your coaching.

Flexible business model

VAs are great for handling fluctuating workloads. Because they work on a contractual basis, you can scale up or down as needed. Need more help during a busy season? A VA can work more when you’re launching something big and less during quieter times.

For instance, during a course launch, you need extra help with marketing and answering questions. A VA can step in to manage these increased demands. This way, you’re not stuck with a full-time staff when you don’t need one.

Stay systematized and organized

To make it big in any industry, you need a well-organized business with solid systems. VAs help develop and maintain those systems. This keeps your coaching business organized and running smoothly. They can set up a filing system for client records, manage your calendar, and so on.

No more lost notes or forgotten appointments. Plus, when everything’s in order your clients also get a much smoother experience.

Better work-life balance

Handing off tasks to a VA means you have more time for personal goals and self-care. A good balance between work and personal life is key. After all, you didn’t start your coaching business to have another job, but to build a life that serves you. 

Save money

One of the best things about coaching businesses is that you have far less overhead than other businesses. And hiring a contractor like a VA helps you keep your business profitable without having to manage employee-related expenses.

Plus, they can also take on different tasks. For example, instead of hiring a full-time bookkeeper, a VA can manage your invoicing and expenses (if you hire VAs with those skills). Likewise, they can step in as a social media manager or handle marketing tasks.

Better client experience

A VA improves the client experience. They manage scheduling, send out reminders, and handle inquiries. This makes your clients feel valued and well-cared for, which in turn leads to increased client retention and referrals.


As your coaching business gets bigger, a VA helps you scale. They can help with things like market research, client outreach, and even launching new products. Their support lets you take on more clients and expand without letting the quality of your work slip.

But WHO you hire matters a lot.

Let’s look at how you can pick the right VA for you.

How can you hire the right virtual assistant for your coaching business?

When picking your VA, there are a few things to look out for.

Let’s go through the steps together.

Clarify what you need help with

Before starting your search, know exactly what you need help with.

List out tasks that consume your time but don’t contribute directly to your success. 

Are you:

  • Drowning in emails
  • Struggling to keep up with social media
  • Needing help scheduling your coaching sessions

Understanding the tasks lets you find someone with the right skills and qualifications.

And creating a clear job description based on these needs attracts the right candidates.

For instance, if you need help with bookkeeping, look for a VA with financial experience.

Because you don’t want to hire a “jack of all trades.” 

Outsource different tasks to people who have specialized skills – like site design to a site designer or copywriting to a copywriter. 

Once you know what you need help with, it’s time for the next step.

Start your search

Now, where to find your VA?

Begin with your network. Ask family, friends, fellow coaches, or business contacts for referrals.

Social media and professional websites like LinkedIn are also great places to search.

When searching, think about the level of expertise you need.

Do you need a top-tier “A player” or a “B player” who’s competent and willing to learn?

Your choice influences where you look and how you approach the hiring process.

If you only want to work with the best of the best, this tends to be pricier.

On the other hand, “B players” are more time-consuming because you have to train them more. And while they may be happy to do their work, they might not necessarily want to grow a lot in their roles.

However, I personally think “B players” are great hires in many cases. If someone wants a relatively secure VA role but isn’t motivated to grow into new roles, that type of person could be a great fit for you. 

After all, your coaching business most likely doesn’t need people who want to grow constantly – because most of their tasks won’t change that much. 

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Interview candidates

Start by having candidates do a short test task before interviewing them. This task should be similar to the type of work they’ll actually do. 

So if you’re hiring someone to take care of your newsletters, have a short test that walks them through taking those same steps. Then, you can hold a short interview.

Discuss their previous experience, how they work, and their availability.

Be clear about your expectations and ask about their schedules and payment expectations.

When you find the right fit, it’s time to make them an offer…

Make an offer

Include the necessary details in your offer, like:

  • Pay rate
  • Work hours
  •  Contractual obligations

Being specific at this stage helps avoid misunderstandings later.

How much you offer depends on several factors:

  • Your budget
  • VA’s tasks
  • VA’s experience
  • Required skill level

All these factors play a role in creating a fair and attractive offer. (We’ll talk about the specific costs later on.) 

Once they’ve accepted your offer, you bring them into your business through onboarding.


Onboarding is where you set the tone for your working relationship.

Explain your preferred communication methods and how you’ll track their tasks and performance.

Be clear about your expectations from the start.

For example, if you expect daily updates or weekly reports, let your VA know.

Finally, have standard operating procedures in place AND document them.

This includes how to:

  • Handle client inquiries
  • Manage your social media
  • Process payments and invoicing
  • Schedule coaching sessions

And so on.

This documentation helps your current VA know what they have to do. And it also makes it easier to bring in additional VAs later on.

Once you’ve got your onboarding process down, the next step is to create a regular feedback system.

Give feedback and grow with your VA

Regular check-ins and feedback are a must.

They help both of you adjust and improve.

It gives your VA a clear idea of what you need and lets them improve skills that are useful for your business.

Also, consider their long-term potential. As your business expands, could they take on more responsibilities?

Let’s say your VA begins by just handling your email communication. Over time, they could learn more about things like client management.

A VA who feels valued and sees opportunities for growth is more likely to stay and grow with you.

That’s how you build a loyal team that evolves alongside your business.

For example, I work with a very loyal team. We continue to grow together, and I pay them above average.

I know that investing in my team’s growth is investing in my business’s future.

And this approach has created a strong team, where each member is motivated and aligned with my business goals.

Plus, it saves me time. Because even with efficient systems, onboarding new people always takes up time and energy.

You now know how to find the right VA. But where do you look for them?

We’ll cover that next.

Where can you find virtual assistants for coaches?

One of the reasons why many coaches still don’t have a VA is because they simply don’t know where to look.

Let’s make it easier for you.

Here are three great platforms to start your search:


Upwork is a massive freelance platform.

You can either:

  • Post a job listing with your specific needs
  • Search for freelancers and invite them to apply

Upwork’s review system is a big plus. It lets you see feedback from previous clients.

This gives you a good idea of the VA’s reliability and quality of work.


Fiverr is another popular platform. It’s known for its project-based gigs.

Besides its review system, the main advantage is its upfront pricing and package deals.

This makes it easier to plan your budget.

Instead of posting a job ad, you pick from ready-made packages.

While Fiverr was at first known for its very cheap services, it now also has ‘Fiverr Pro’ for really skilled freelancers.


Unlike Upwork and Fiverr, Zirtual is designed for pairing you with a VA.

All their VAs are based in the U.S. and have a college education and administrative experience.

Because of their personalized service, Zirtual is more premium. Plans start at $549 per month.

That said, not having to look for a VA yourself saves you a lot of time and energy.

Knowing where to find virtual assistants is one thing; next, we’ll cover what skills to look out for.

Skills to look for when hiring a virtual assistant for coaches

When searching for a VA, think of your specific needs and the tasks you expect them to handle.

Here are some key skills any VA should have:

  • Previous experience working with coaching businesses (this isn’t a must, though, because you can train them)
  • Communication skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Tech knowledge
  • Autonomy
  • Customer service skills
  • Project management skills
  • Willingness to learn
  • Flexibility to adapt
  • Problem-solving capabilities
  • Attention to detail
  • Time management skills

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With these skills in mind, you’re all set to find the perfect VA for your coaching business.

But how much will a VA cost you?

Let’s answer that question next.

How much does it cost to hire a virtual assistant?

How much a VA costs depends on several factors, including their:

  • Experience
  • Background
  • Location
  • Tasks

A good rule of thumb is $20-$30/hour.

In other words, if you hire a VA for 10 hours a month, you’d pay them $200-$300. 

Now, if you’re looking for someone with specialized skills, like a site designer, you also need to pay them more. (In fact, site designers seldom work as VAs – and skilled designers will cost several thousands.) 

So, take those types of skills into account when hiring your first VA. 

Next steps

There you go!

That’s everything you need to know about working with a virtual assistant for coaches.

A VA can help you build a true Freedom Business that gives you more freedom and flexibility. But hiring is just one part of a successful coaching business.

You also need the right strategy. 

That’s what I share in my coaching business blueprint.

Get it here: 

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The Top Coaching Tools

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

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