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How to Attract Soulmate Clients in 4 Simple Steps

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How do you attract soulmate clients? 

You know, the type of clients who…

  • Appreciate you and your value
  • Get amazing results
  • Are easy to work with
  • Respect your boundaries
  • Are willing to invest

…And so on.

But are there enough of these types of clients?

And where do you find them?

That’s what we’ll look at today.

Ready to learn more? Then let’s get started!

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What is a soulmate client? 

A soulmate client is someone you naturally click with

What does that look like?

Well, this is a relationship that’s mutually beneficial. 

For example: If you’re a coach, your soulmate client would be someone who is…

  • Self-motivated
  • Does the work you recommend
  • Is respectful of your time 

…And so on.

Any interactions leave you both feeling energized and excited.

And as a coach, you feel useful and fulfilled, and your client feels supported and equipped to reach their goals. 

3 new clients

I’m speaking from experience here: This is the type of client you want.

So what makes this type of client so valuable? We’ll look at that next.

Why you need soulmate clients

There are three specific reasons why you need this type of client. 

Love your business more 

One great way to love what you do? 

Feeling that you’re making an impact in people’s lives. 

And take it from me… 

Having clients who work hard and value what you offer really helps. 

You can see this in my coaching clients’ success stories:

Multiple ETE testimonials

Increase your revenue 

Soulmate clients are willing to pay premium rates because they understand the value they’ll get from working with you. 

They’re focused on results, not on getting the cheapest price.

Which means? 

They realize that your offer is an investment that’ll help them reach their goals – rather than an expense they can’t afford. 

And because of their investment mindset, they’re much more likely to get better results.

Luisa Zhou quote

It’s a chain reaction: 

Better results mean happier clients, and happier clients mean more glowing testimonials.

First paying client

Ultimately, that makes your offer easier to sell. 

Increase profitability  

Working with soulmate clients helps increase your business’s profitability. 


Think of it this way:

Great clients are less likely to make unreasonable requests or complaints, meaning you won’t have to put out fires. 

Instead, you can focus on what matters.

For example: 

When I connected with my first coaching client, I helped her free of charge. But because I offered her so much support, she asked if she could pay me to continue helping her.

I told her my rate was $5,000 for six months of coaching.

Her response? An immediate “yes”.

Screenshot of PayPal payment

So, how can you find clients like her? Keep reading to find out. 

How to attract soulmate clients to your business 

Let’s dive in and look at the four steps to attracting the soulmate clients you want.

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1. Understand who your dream clients are

First, ask yourself:

Who are you trying to attract? 

This is where you want to get specific. 

Remember: Saying, “I want to work with people who pay me well and respect my time” is great, but… it’s just the beginning.

Dig deeper. Figure out who you’re trying to help specifically. 

In other words, do market research to understand what needs you could fill.


  • What do my soulmate clients want? 
  • What do they struggle with? 
  • How can I use my experience to make their lives better?

With that in mind, how exactly can you do market research successfully?

Here’s what I did…

As a new coach, I used social media to connect with people and figure out what they needed. 

Remember my first client who paid me $5,000 for six months of coaching? I found her thanks to Facebook groups. 

So working out who your dream clients are can be very simple.

Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram can provide you with valuable insights for free. So take advantage of that!

Screenshot of Facebook ad example

Action steps: 

✅ Identify your ideal clients 

✅ Use social media platforms to ask people what they struggle with and get leads

2. Define your own vision and values

As a business owner, what do YOU want? 

Because even though it’s important to identify what your dream clients want, it’s also important to keep your own vision in mind

So, ask yourself: 

Where do I want to take my business? What are my core values?”

This is where having vision and mission statements can help. 

But what do these terms mean exactly?

Here’s a quick overview:

A vision statement is all about what you want your business to look like in the future. It’s the big picture goal you’re aspiring toward but haven’t reached yet.

A mission statement talks about what you’ll do to attain your vision statement. It’s the actions you’ll take to reach the ultimate goal you outlined in your vision statement.

Think of it this way…

A mission statement is present-focused while a vision statement is future-focused.

So how can you create an effective mission statement? 

Here’s an example from my own business:

I talk about my mission on my YouTube channel “about” page: I want to be your go-to for “…proven advice on building your business and creating freedom, abundance, and impact.”

Luisa Zhou Youtube about page

I also talk about it on my website: My mission is “to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with inspiration and actionable advice so you can build your own hugely profitable and meaningful business.”

Luisa Zhou about page

Ultimately, being a business owner who knows what you’re aiming for and leads with integrity will help you attract ideal clients.  

Want to learn how? I’ll tell you how to come up with your own mission statement next.

There are two steps: 

  1. Figure out what your “why” is
  2. Figure out what your niche is

Let’s break that down.

Find your “why” 

Your “why” is the reason you decided to help people solve a problem they have. 

This could be all kinds of things, but here’s one example:

Maybe you struggled to find your dream job, so your “why” is helping people with the same challenge work out what they really want professionally.

The 4-Step Automatic Attraction System

for attracting more clients daily... without paid ads, social media, or "hustle"!

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Find your niche

Once you’ve determined what your “why” is, pick a niche


  • What makes me different? 
  • What makes my offer different? 
  • Why should people come to me rather than someone else?

Let’s use me as an example. 

I’m relatable because I’ve lived the 9-5 lifestyle – and because I love watching TV as much as the next person!. 

But at the same time? 

I used to work as an engineer for the Space Station. That gives me a unique perspective on how to create systems that help people become successful entrepreneurs

And this is why I stand out – it’s my niche. 

Ultimately, we all have things that set us apart. And we can use these to solve people’s problems.

Action steps: 

✅ Think through what you want your business to look like in the future to define your vision 

✅ Decide on who you want to help and your “why” to define your mission 

3. Build relationships

When you’re trying to attract soulmate clients, keep this in mind: 

People don’t want to be sold to.

You can have the best offer in the world, but if you make it about you and your goals, that won’t interest your audience. 

So what should you do instead? 

Focus on building relationships with your audience. 

This ties into what I said earlier about understanding who your dream clients are and what they want.

Put yourself in your clients’ shoes. 

And ask yourself: “If I were them, what could a business do to make me want to use their products or services?”

Answer: Care about finding solutions to my pain points

Now, this doesn’t mean you can’t also have a thriving, profitable business. But it does mean you should give people what they want.

I already mentioned my first paid client earlier, but she’s a perfect example of what can happen when you focus on building a relationship rather than selling. 

When I started helping her, I was starting from scratch. 
I didn’t have a following or success stories from clients who had worked with me… yet.

UCL testimonials

But what did I have? The willingness to give her advice and overdeliver on value.

She needed help setting up an ad campaign. 

And since I had experience with that, I helped her by answering her questions. 

At the time, I had no intention of selling. I didn’t even have an offer.

So when she reached out and asked if she could pay me to keep helping her, I had to do some research to figure out how much to charge.

So what can we learn from this example?

Ultimately, building a relationship with your clients is much more effective than trying to sell first. 

The 4-Step Automatic Attraction System

for attracting more clients daily... without paid ads, social media, or "hustle"!

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Action steps: 

✅ Build relationships with your audience by offering value first 

✅ Ask yourself how your business can help your clients in a better way 

4. Use the right marketing strategies 

There are many ways to market your offer. But remember this: 

Not all options will give you the same results.

Think about it…

Running ads is a form of marketing, and you can get sales that way. But getting leads through your blog content or value-packed YouTube videos creates a deeper connection.

I talk more about this here:

That said, YouTube and blogging are advanced strategies. 

As a newer coach, one strategy that worked for me was going live on Facebook. 

Why was it effective? 

Because people were able to connect in real time, get their questions answered, and feel supported.

Old Facebook live

And that’s why I also recommend growing an email list: To foster that connection and build relationships with your clients

But what if you’re just getting started? What if you don’t have an audience yet? 

In that case, again, I recommend using social media to connect with people organically

Like me, you can use Facebook groups, Instagram, Quora, and so on to find people who need what you’re offering. 

For example, if you want to provide career coaching, you could join relevant social media groups where people talk about their career struggles.

Reddit post on career advice

Look for questions that come up over and over to help you pinpoint what needs you could fill. 

And see if you can identify any patterns.

But ultimately, one key to scaling long-term is using SEO

That’s because when people find your content from search results (versus ads), it means they’re actively searching for a solution to their pain points. 

In other words, they’re not stumbling upon your content by accident.

They want what you offer.


They’re more motivated and more likely to see the value in your products or services. And those are the kinds of clients you want.

Action steps: 

✅ Choose a social media platform to start promoting your offer

✅ Use scalable options like SEO when you have clients in your business 

What’s next? 

So, there you have it. 

Now you know the exact steps you can take to attract soulmate clients – to grow faster, make more money, and have a bigger impact

But… You don’t have time for outdated advice that doesn’t work. You want results

That’s where having the right strategy comes in.

Want more guidance from someone who’s been there, done that? 

I created a course to help you skip the guesswork and let clients find you.

Read more: 

How to Start a Successful Coaching Business

How to Market Your Business Without Ads 

How to Design and Price Your Coaching Package

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

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