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Coaching Pricing: How to Price Your Coaching Packages in 2025

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Struggling to price your coaching services so that you aren’t overcharging or undercharging for your coaching packages?

It’s a fine line:

Charging too much which means no sales. And charging too little? Means you’re overworked and overwhelmed.

That’s why today, I’m going to help you figure out your perfect coaching program price.

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First, let’s talk about the pricing strategies you can use to price your coaching services

You’ve got a few options:

Pricing Option #1: Hourly (so you do your work, get paid, and you’re done)

You can charge an hourly rate, where your client pays you by the hour.

While this is nice because you get paid for the time that you put in, I don’t recommend this option.

The reason I don’t recommend hourly pricing is because it trains your clients to believe that the value of your coaching lies in the time that you put in with them.

The truth is though, that’s not where the real value of working with you lies.

As a coach, the real value that you provide is in the result that you’re able to help your clients get. And that is infinitely more valuable than the hours that you put in to help them get that result.

So if hourly pricing isn’t the way to go, what are your other pricing strategy options?

Pricing Option #2: Retainer (so you get paid a set amount every month)

You could charge a retainer rate, where your client pays you a set amount each month.

Of course, you would agree beforehand what support that entitles them to every month. Often that means a certain number or calls, or even unlimited calls, or some type of specific support.

I also don’t recommend retainer pricing because I am a fan of boundaries and of having a life outside of my business (no matter how much I love it).

Am I right in guessing that you and I are alike in that way?

If so, then you’ll probably also want to set boundaries with your clients – no matter how much you love them – to preserve your own sanity.

So if hourly and retainer pricing are out, what does that leave you with?

Pricing Option #3: Package

The final option is to price based on a set package or program. For example, a 3-month program with 12 calls.

As you can probably guess, I am a big fan this pricing strategy also because it allows you position your coaching and pricing based on the result that you’ll help your client get through your coaching package. 

That completely shifts the conversation from what “you’re worth” or the value of your time.

Instead, it becomes about something way more powerful:

Your client, the result you’re going to help them get, and the value of that result to them. Not only is this a way more powerful conversation, but it’s also truly a win-win for both you and your client.

So, now that you know HOW to price your coaching program, let’s talk about WHAT price to set for your coaching rates!

Again, you have a few options, so let’s talk through them.

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Pricing Strategy #1: Penetration Pricing (to help you get paying clients asap)

The first pricing strategy that’s available to you is called Penetration Pricing.

And it’s called that because the idea is to “penetrate” the market by offering the lowest coaching fee that you’re comfortable working for.

For most new coaches in most industries, this price usually comes to around $1,500 for a 3-month package.

How does that price point feel? Let me know in the comments below!

Does it feel too high? Too low?

Either way, listen:

If that price feels high, you can absolutely charge a lower price.

If that feels low, remember that you can always change your pricing.

Penetration pricing is simply about getting your first few clients as quickly as possible so that you can get some revenue in the door, start building your brand recognition, and get some testimonials.

Then you’ll be ready to move on to the next pricing strategy…

Pricing Strategy #2: Necessity (to help you quit your job asap)

Once you’ve gotten your first few clients, you can start using the next strategy, which is Necessity pricing.

This is a term I created, so you won’t find it if you Google it, but it’s basically the price that you need to charge to replace your income with your business revenue.

In other words: What price do you need to charge to make 3 months’ income from your job with 10 clients.

If $1,500 or less is that price, then you’re already set!

If it needs to be higher, no worries. You know why?

Now that you have clients, testimonials, and revenue under your belt, it’s the perfect time to raise your price.

That’s not the end of it though. This last strategy is the final step to making sure that you are truly getting paid what you’re worth for the work that you’re doing.

Pricing Strategy #3: You Choose (so you can create the income and life you want)

At this point, you’ve worked with more clients, your brand is established, you’ve got testimonials showing what a great coach you are, and you’re consistently getting sales inquiries.

In short:

Now you’re at a place where YOU get to choose. You’ve earned it.

And by the way, if you’re thinking that it’s going to take you a long time to get here, I’ve got great news for you.

It really doesn’t have to. For many of my students, they reach this point within a few months, or after their first 10 or so clients.

And what happens once you get to this point?

If you feel that the value your clients are getting exceeds the price you’re currently charging for your coaching packages, you can raise your price.

Or, if you feel your price is low compared to your competitors’, guess what?

You can set a price that feels more fair to you based on the industry that you’re in, and that’s more in line with what other coaches in your industry are charging

Or, you’ve got one other option…

You can decide to price at a premium. This means you set a premium price, that’s often higher than the industry standard or at least on the higher end. (Be careful though, because you have to be able to back this up.)

The beauty of having your own business is that you get to decide.

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How to create the RIGHT type of high-end coaching package for the highest rates

Now you know how to price your coaching services. But what should your coaching services look like for the best rates?

Here’s the thing:

Your coaching pricing builds on the transformation you help your clients get.

The more attractive your coaching results are, the higher you can price your services. 

For example, a coach who helps women in their 40s shave off 10 lbs with a specific methodology that doesn’t eat up all their time offers a very specific result. 

Potential clients have a much easier time imagining that THEY can get that result than if a health coach offers generic coaching for everyone. 

The next part of your high-end coaching offer is to target the right buyers.

It’s simple: If your clients have the willingness to pay, you can price your coaching higher.

That’s why you shouldn’t sell coaching to people who only have a need. Instead, focus on clients who have the need and the want.

profitable business graph

For example: A college student might need career coaching, but he or she is unlikely to have the funds. A manager at a company is more likely to have both a need and a willingness to pay a higher rate for your services. 

(Want to learn more? In this post, I show you step-by-step how to create a coaching package that sells.)

Should you list your rates on your website?

Something a lot of my students ask me is:

“Luisa, should I list my coaching rates on my website?”


The answer is that it depends. There are pros and cons to both alternatives.

The biggest pro of using prices on your website is this:

You’re going to pre-qualify your potential clients.

So when they reach out to you, people have already seen your rates and are prepared for that investment. 

But if you’re a new coach, the pros of not using rates on your website can be bigger. 

Why listing your coaching pricing might not be the best strategy

Let me explain: 

I have a lot of clients who are health coaches, relationship coaches, and career coaches. While the top people in those industries can charge 5-6-figures, the majority can’t. And those lower prices set an anchor for people who are looking for a coach. 

And so, if you have your rates on your website, people will easily filter themselves out of being a client. That’s because they make that decision purely based on your rates.

If instead, you don’t use rates on your website and people reach out to you because they love what you share and want your help, you get to have a conversation with them to help them understand the value.

How to get the right people on your sales calls

There are cons to this strategy. More people will reach out to you who aren’t prepared to pay your rate. Initially, you might have to have a few more sales calls to get the right people on the phone.

That’s why I recommend a strategy that balances both of these aspects, especially if you’re new to coaching.

Add a note on your services page that says, “This is a significant investment.” 

That way, people understand that you’re not selling coaching for $100, but you also get to have that conversation about value. 

And once you’ve worked with clients and become more established, you can put your rates on your website to narrow down your sales calls.

Now that you know your options for pricing your coaching program and setting your coaching rates, you are in control.

How do you choose which coaching pricing strategy to use right now? 

Start with the one that feels best and test it.

Remember, how you price your coaching services is not set in stone. You get to decide which one to start with and when you want to change it.

But pricing your services is just step #1 of building a sustainable and profitable coaching business.

I’ve helped thousands of people start their own coaching businesses. And I share the exact steps that will help you build a thriving coaching business.

Get the blueprint here:

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About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online coaching business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

Hope you enjoy this blog post.

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5 Responses

  1. I like the not posting rates plan, makes the best sense, you can’t fully share value without building rapport with a potential client in any type of sale, so I see how it makes the best sense to do it that way, and also the usage of the per package rather than the per hour idea, then it’s fair on both sides.

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How to build a 6-figure online business that frees you from the 9-to-5

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