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8 Ways to Double Your Coaching Leads (+platforms)

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What’s the most effective way to get coaching leads?? 

As a coach with an eight-figure coach myself, I’m sharing the top strategies I share with my clients to help them get results like this:

3 new clients

Maybe you’ve heard “advice” like…

“Send 100 cold emails a day!”


“Run a bunch of ads and eventually you’ll get leads!”

You probably already know it, but… none of that is a good use of your time. Ready to find out what is?

Then let’s get started.

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How to get coaching leads

Here’s exactly how you can get coaching leads for your business.


A referral is when someone in your network recommends you to people they know

If someone refers you, it means they trust you and believe others can benefit from working with you.

And this ultimately leads to you gaining more clients.

The thing is, referrals are ALSO valuable for the people you get referred to. 

Think of it this way…

If you’re renovating your kitchen, would you rather work with a complete stranger or someone your best friend raves about?

Chances are, you’d go with the referral. And you’re not alone: 92% of consumers trust referrals more than other types of advertising.

The downside to referrals? They’re not very scalable. BUT they can help you expand your client pool. 

So, how exactly should you ask for a referral?

There are several effective strategies, which I outline here

If you’re a new coach, you can tap your network first. 

For example, let’s say you want to start a health coaching business, like my student David:

Wisdom Square website

In that case, you could reach out to people in your network who might like to recommend you to others.

(Important note: Tailor your message to the recipient, and don’t send a generic mass email.)

So, you could say, “I’ve started a business to help people with [blank] and thought of you because [blank]. If you think my coaching could help you, I’d be happy to share more!”

Instead of:

“I’m starting a business. Could you please tell people about me?”

The first example is client-focused – which is what you want to aim for. 

I talk more about referrals in this video:


Speaking gigs can also help you get high-quality leads. 

I know this firsthand. 

For example, I once gave a talk at a Gary V event in London:

Gary V talk

You don’t need to speak at huge events to get traction, though – relevance is more important. 

Remember: It’s better to speak to 100 people who are interested in what you have to say than 10,000 people who aren’t. 

So how can you get speaking engagements?

One option is to search for local events you could join.

Like this: “[Your niche] conference [location].”

For example, if you’re a career coach in Atlanta, you could search, “Career conference Altanta” or something broader like “Business conference Atlanta.”

Pitch the event organizers once you’ve made a list of events you could join. 

And again, make it about THEM. Talk about why they should have you as a speaker. Make it easy for them to say “yes.”

Grant Baldwin, founder of The Speaker Lab, uses this strategy, and he’s earned over $2 million from various speaking engagements. 

The downside? 

In-person events involve travel, which isn’t very scalable. But there are also online events you could speak at, which broadens your options.

Repeat business 

Repeat business is just what it sounds like: It’s when people come back and buy from you again after an initial purchase. This can also include upselling.

So, for example, let’s say you have a client who buys a small course from you. 

At the end of the course, they’ve gotten so much value from it that you offer them a more comprehensive course to help them get even bigger results

This is what I’ve done myself. I have a small course that helps people attract their dream clients:

Screenshot of clients come to me

But I also have a more comprehensive course for people who are ready to take action and replace their 9-5 with a thriving business they own: 

Screenshot of ETE program page

Okay, so how can you incentivize repeat business?

Here are a few options that work: 

  • Overdeliver. If people are happy with your offer, they won’t have to be convinced to keep buying from you. They’ll WANT to. The value will be obvious. 
  • Reward loyalty. For example, consider offering exclusive perks to clients who keep buying from you. 
  • Use client feedback. Listen to your clients’ needs and adjust your offer accordingly. If your clients feel that you care about helping them, they’ll be more likely to stick around.

The downside to repeat business? It’s not scalable, but it’s STILL valuable. 

In fact, getting new customers can cost 5x more than keeping the ones you have! So it’s really worth aiming for repeat business.


Partnerships involve at least two people joining forces to do business together. So, they share profits but ALSO the risks involved with business ownership.

There are two different kinds of partners to know about: General and limited.

Unsurprisingly, general partners have more control than limited partners.

In other words, they can contribute their expertise to running the business, while limited partners can only contribute financially. 

There are also three types of partnerships: General, limited, and limited liability partnership (LLP). You can learn more about the differences here.

Okay, so how can you find the best partner for you? 

Think about your business and what kind of partner could help you get more relevant leads. 

That will narrow your options. 

Once you find someone you want to partner with, send them a short message explaining:

  • Who you are
  • What you do
  • Why partnering with you would benefit them

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Here’s a sample message you can tweak:

Hi [Name],

I recently discovered your work and love how you approach [blank]. 

I’m [Your name], and I [briefly cover who you are/what you do]. Would you be interested in partnering with me? I’m offering [your value proposition, like a percentage of the profits]. 

Please let me know if you’re interested, and we can discuss the details!


[Your name]

One advantage of partnerships? If your partner is well-established, you’ll get higher-quality leads.

On the other hand, partnerships aren’t exactly beginner-friendly because you typically need an existing audience, and they’re not really scalable. 

Podcasts and guest blogs 

As a guest on blogs or podcasts, you can get great exposure to a targeted audience.

I’ve done this successfully myself.

For example, my guest post on Forbes drove a lot of valuable traffic to my offer:

Forbes feature

One benefit of going this route? Better leads. 

Think of it this way… 

The people who find you through their favorite podcast or a site they trust will be much more likely to trust you, too. 

This gives you an advantage over your competition. Plus, it can be a semi-scalable option with the right strategy

Okay, but how exactly can you get guest posting opportunities or media features?

One option is to join platforms that connect subject matter experts (you!) with journalists looking for input for a story.

A few options I use:

Just remember: When you’re pitching media requests, keep them short and direct. 

For example, here’s a pitch that got me a feature:

Screenshot of Featured pitch

Social media (organic) 

Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube can help you land your dream clients – IF you use them the right way.

So how can you do that?

Let’s take Twitter/X as an example.

Instead of posting on the platform, search for relevant keywords to find people who are looking for what you offer.

Example: If you’re a health coach, you could search for terms like “health coach services” or “weight loss support.” 

Screenshot of Twitter results

Do this regularly, and pitch yourself to anyone who asks for what you offer.

One benefit of social media is that it’s scalable, and you can form a deeper connection with your followers. This is especially true for YouTube videos because viewers feel they “know” you. 

The flip side? 

You have to be consistent and stay on top of trends

For example, platforms like YouTube have so much content that to stand out, you’ll need to invest in editing software, learn how to create eye-catching thumbnails, and so on. 

Search engine optimization 

SEO is all about ranking higher in search engines so more people discover your content. 

To do that, keywords tell search engines what your content is about and how relevant it is to people searching for answers. 

(Tip: You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner to find relevant keywords.)

Screenshot of Google keyword planner

One benefit of SEO? 

It’s highly scalable.

I know firsthand the impact that great SEO can have on your business, like giving you the best leads. 

In fact, I even co-founded Zalstrom, a lead generation agency for coaches.

Zalstrom homepage

The downside to SEO? It takes time to rank high in search engines, so it’s not the quickest strategy.

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Paid leads 

Another option is to pay for leads.

Should you go down this route? 

Here are a few pros and cons to consider first:


  • Scalable
  • Attract your specific target audience
  • Estimate your expected ROI


  • Ads are getting more expensive and reduce your profits
  • You have to keep finding creative ways to use them
  • Leads are less qualified compared to organic methods like SEO

So, given those pros and cons, how can you use ads successfully?  

Here are three key steps to remember:

  1. Know who you’re trying to sell to and what their problems are
  2. Create copy that makes those specific people stop and pay attention
  3. Use attractive visuals

I go into more detail here.

Where to get coaching leads (top platforms) 

Now that we’ve talked about how you can get coaching leads for your business, let’s look at where you can get them.

Here are the best platforms for coaching leads. 

Noomii homepage


Noomii offers a huge directory of coaches from all over the US and abroad. 

One benefit? 

Instead of having to set up your own website and drive traffic to it, Noomii helps you go where your ideal clients are already looking for a coach like you. 

Cost: Access to the directory is free, but the comprehensive yearly plan is $447. homepage is a streamlined platform designed to help you become a better coach and grow your business – all in one place. 

As a member, you gain access to programs and events offered by experts in the field, as well as tools like integrated video calls, a client dashboard, templates, and more.

Cost: $0-$97+/month, depending on the plan.

LifeCoachHub homepage


LifeCoachHub offers coaching software and tools to help you automate your coaching business – so you can spend less time worrying about lead generation and more time actually coaching. 

Cost: $0-$57/month, depending on the plan.

Thumbtack homepage


Thumbtack is a platform that helps connect service providers (including coaches!) with the people who need them. 

Thanks to its directory, people can find pros like you and leave feedback to help you land more work. 

Cost: Varies depending on your budget and needs.

The 4-Step Automatic Attraction System

for attracting more clients daily... without paid ads, social media, or "hustle"!

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What’s next? 

So, there you have it! As you can see, lead generation for coaches doesn’t have to be complicated

With the right strategies, you can get leads that will help you…

  • Grow your business sustainably
  • Increase your revenue
  • Work less

That’s not just talk, either.

I’ve done all of these things myself – and I’ve helped thousands of my coaching clients do the same. 

Want more guidance?

I created a course to help you attract clients without having to work all the time.

Read more:

Business Blog Ideas That Attract Clients

SEO for Coaches: The Ultimate Guide 

How to Get Clients Online Using Social Media

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

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