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31 Fun Hobbies That Make Money (+How to Start)

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Do you dream of turning your hobby into a source of income?

Well, great news:

Today, you’ll learn exactly how to do that!

We’ll go over the TOP hobbies that make money, as well as the key steps to turn your hobby into cash.


Let’s dive in.

Key takeaways: 

  • You CAN turn your hobby into a thriving business – the most profitable businesses are often based on your skills and interests 
  • Coaching and consulting are the most profitable business models for new entrepreneurs (you can combine these with your existing skills)
  • Start by finding your niche and focus on one marketing strategy to get your first client

31 profitable hobbies that you can make money with

With the right strategy, ANY hobby can become a source of income.

That said, some hobbies are known to be more profitable than others.

Before we explore how to get started, let’s look at the top profitable hobbies that make money.

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1. Writing

Thanks to self-publishing, becoming a published writer has never been easier.

The real challenge?

Actually making money from your writing…

This is especially true if you write your own (e)books. If you want to make a living from this, you’ll have to write several books (one every 12–18 months) and build a large following.

However, as a freelance writer, you could earn a more reliable income. Because instead of trying to attract potential readers, you’re connecting with clients who specifically require your services and are ready and willing to pay for them. 

This can be lucrative — even more so if you specialize in a profitable niche, like:

  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Healthcare

Platforms like Upwork and Fiverr are great for finding your first clients. 

Screenshot of Kat Boogaard website
Take Kat Boogaard is a freelance writer

2. Creating online courses 

Are you skilled at something others want to learn? Then you could teach it through online courses.

The online education market is expected to reach nearly $300 billion by 2029. So why not take advantage of this?

Platforms like Teachable and Udemy also make hosting your course super easy.

Size of online education market

What I love about online courses is that once you make them, you can reap the benefits for many years.

For example, my student Jasmin of helps people become 3D lighting artists.

Not just that, but your course also allows you to have a big impact. 

I created my own flagship course, Employee to Entrepreneur, to help my students learn how to build a side business that they can eventually take full time despite being in demanding jobs. 

I’ve been able to help thousands of people thanks to that course. 

3. Health coaching 

Like online courses, coaching is a nice way to make money using your skills. 

Your role as a coach is to help others improve at things you’ve mastered.

However, the best coaches do much more than give tips — they transform lives.

Think of WHO you will help with WHAT. 

For instance:

If you’re a health specialist, you can become a health coach and help people reach their health goals. 

A few health coaching niches include helping people plan their meals, build muscle, or manage an allergy. 

Wisdom Square website
For example, my student David helps people get healthy with herbs.

I dive deeper into what coaching is in this video:

4. Relationship coaching

Relationship coaching is another coaching niche. 

As a relationship coach, you help individuals or couples strengthen their connections.

And many people value this kind of transformative change.

How do I know?

Well, several of my students run highly successful relationship coaching businesses.

Briana MacWilliam website
My Student Briana runs a thriving relationship coaching business

So, by picking a profitable niche, you really can boost your earnings further.

5. Photography

If you’re a creative, photography could be a great way to earn some extra money.

Photographers make an income by:

  • Charging for photo sessions
  • Selling prints or digital images
  • Licensing photos for use in advertisements or products
  • Hosting workshops
  • Creating online courses

Turning your photography hobby into a thriving business can be challenging, though…



  • The market is crowded
  • Building a portfolio that attracts clients takes time
  • Investing in the right equipment adds up to your startup costs
Screenshot of Georgia Sheridan website
For example, Georgia Sheridan is a wedding photographer who sells wedding photography packages

6. Social media management

The social media industry will reach $250 billion this year alone. 

By becoming a social media manager, you tap into this growth.

size of social media industry

Here’s what social media managers do:

  • Plan content schedules
  • Interact with followers
  • Analyze how well content performs
  • Run ads and collaborate with influencers

Want to increase your income? Then consider:

  • Offering consulting
  • Managing multiple accounts through an agency
  • Coaching others
Screenshot of The Marketing Girl website
For example, The Marketing Girl is a social media management agency started by four friends

7. Crafts and artwork

Arts and crafts can be fun AND profitable.

Your main sources of income would include:

  • Selling items at craft fairs
  • Running online shops on platforms like Etsy
  • Taking custom orders
  • Offering classes or workshops

Social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest are great for showcasing your creations. But to make a good income, you have to sell a lot.

Screenshot of Mod Party page
Mod Party is an Etsy shop that makes bridesmaids and wedding gifts and decorations

8. Videography 

Want to turn your passion for videography into money?

Here are three profitable options:

  • Teach others: Offer classes online or in-person to share your skills
  • Freelance: Get paid to create videos for clients
  • Social media: Make money by posting your videos on visual platforms like Instagram and YouTube

The videography market is quite crowded, though. So, to set yourself apart, focus on a specific niche.

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9. Fitness instruction

If you’re into fitness, this option might be the one for you.

As a fitness instructor, you could:

  • Start a fitness blog: Besides earning money through ads, readers may become paying clients or buy products you recommend.
  • Create workout videos: Monetize your videos through ads or sponsored content.
  • Social media promotion: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great for connecting with others. A large following can also lead to partnerships and sponsored posts.
  • Offer 1-on-1 training: Provide personalized coaching to clients.

The main challenges?

Standing out in a crowded market, and keeping clients committed long-term.

10. Cooking 

When people think of turning their cooking hobby into a career, they often imagine hectic kitchen work in busy restaurants.

But there are so many other ways to monetize this passion, including:

  • Starting a food blog
  • Creating social media content
  • Offering online cooking classes
  • Selling meal prep services

As you build your presence, you could also collaborate with food brands or write cookbooks.

Screenshot of Pinch of Yum website
 Pinch of Yum is a food blog with a business arm that teaches people how to build food blogs

11. Music 

Want to make money with your musical talent? Here are your options:

  • Teaching lessons: Offer private lessons or classes online to share your skills
  • Performing: Play live at venues, weddings, or corporate events
  • Selling music: Sell your songs on platforms like iTunes, Bandcamp, or SoundCloud
  • Licensing music: Let businesses use your music in commercials, films, or online content

However, making a steady income from music has its challenges…

You always have to market yourself. And if you want to perform live, being on the lookout for gig opportunities is time-consuming.

12. Financial coaching 

As a financial coach, you help your clients experience:

  • Less financial stress
  • More financial freedom
Benefits of financial coaching

Through your coaching, you can offer valuable outcomes that change people’s lives like helping them get out of debt and save up for their big life goals. 

To do this well, you’ll need:

  • Deep understanding of finance: Understand everything from saving to investing
  • Communication skills: You must be able to explain complex financial concepts in simple terms
  • Trustworthiness: To share sensitive financial details with you, your clients must trust you

13. Website design

Are you good at creating or improving websites? Well, great news:

There are loads of people who need your help.

To give you an example, here’s what my website used to look like:

Screenshot of Luisa Zhou's first website

And this is what it looks like now:

Screenshot of Luisa Zhou website

As you can guess, I didn’t do this on my own. (A big shoutout to my awesome web designer!)

At first, you can look for gigs on platforms like Upwork. Use these to practice your skills and build your portfolio. This way, you’ll eventually attract clients directly.

14. Graphic design

If you’re passionate about graphic design, you could make money by creating: 

  • Logos
  • Social media posts
  • Branding packages
  • Business cards
  • Brochures

Most graphic designers charge by the hour or by the job.

Want to make your freelance income more steady? Then work with retainer agreements.

With a retainer, you agree to work a set number of hours each month for a client. This kind of deal can include:

  • Regular updates: Keep designs looking fresh
  • Help desk: Solve any design problems that pop up
  • New projects: Take on extra design work as needed

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15. Programming

If you’re good at programming, there are lots of ways to make money from it:

  • Freelance projects
  • App development
  • Open source projects
  • Tech consulting or coaching

The key is to focus on finding clients who pay well. This way, you can earn a nice income with just a few projects.

16. Language

The language learning market is expected to grow to $337.2 billion by 2032.

Growth of language learning market

This means more opportunities for you to make money through your language skills. Think of:

  • Private tutoring
  • Online classes
  • Creating courses
  • Interpretation
  • Translation services

The main challenges?

Fierce competition and finding consistent clients…

To up your earnings, specialize in lucrative niches that require special expertise, like:

  • Business training
  • Legal specialization
  • Medical specialization
  • Accent reduction coaching

17. Becoming a YouTuber

If you love making videos, YouTube is a great way to turn that skill into cash.

Personally, I love making videos to connect with my audience.

But, of course, you can turn it into a source of income too through:

  • Ad revenue
  • Sponsorships
  • Selling your own products or services
  • Affiliate marketing
Screenshot of Luisa Zhou’s YouTube channel
I monetize my YouTube channel by selling courses and coaching

Keep in mind that growing a channel takes time. Plus, constantly keeping your audience engaged can get exhausting.

18. Gaming

Gaming isn’t just for fun — you can also make money from it through:

  • Teaching
  • Consulting
  • Streaming
  • Game testing
  • eSports competitions

That said, the market is extremely saturated. So, besides the popular games, consider becoming a specialist in niche games. These often have smaller but dedicated communities.

Offering exclusive content or memberships also helps increase your income.

19. Pet-sitting

Pet-sitting lets you earn money by looking after pets. It’s like babysitting but for furry friends.

Some typical ways to earn money include:

  • Per walk/day rates: Charge for each walk or day of care
  • Package deals: Give discounts for regular bookings
  • Extra services: Offer grooming, training, or overnight stays for an extra fee

To get started, Rover is a popular pet-sitting site.

Screenshot of Rover website

The downside, though?

Your income is completely dependent on how much time you can commit.

20. Online influencing

Do you dream of becoming an online influencer?

Here’s how you could make money:

  • Sponsorships: Partner with brands that want to reach your followers
  • Affiliate marketing: Earn commissions by promoting products
  • Selling products: Create and sell your own merch

People can already start earning some extra income with a few thousand followers. But of course, to make a lot of money, you need to gain many more followers…This takes time.

21. Consulting

Consulting means using your expertise to solve client problems.

In other words: You use what you know about your hobby to help others.

Here are some examples:

  • Gardening: Suggest better plant choices based on soil and climate analysis
  • Writing: Help improve story structure and character depth in manuscripts
  • Programming: Identify code inefficiencies and suggest improvements
  • Music production: Give advice on audio mixing and mastering techniques for better sound quality

Since you offer valuable solutions, consulting can be very profitable.

For example, the first online business I built was a digital advertising consulting business. I helped small business owners improve their advertising campaigns by using a skill I had learned in my then-full-time job. 

22. Podcasting 

There are currently over 70 million podcast listeners in the U.S. And that number is expected to keep growing.

So, there’s clearly a demand. But there’s also a big supply… There are around 4.3 million podcasts available. 

Podcasting stats

Want to make your podcast a go-to resource?

Then zero in on a niche that others are curious about.

23. Drone services  

Starting a drone service business can be a nice way to turn a hobby into cash.

You can make money through:

  • Photography and videography: Shoot events or real estate listings
  • Surveying: Map out big plots of land
  • Inspections: Look over buildings or farms

The downside?

Besides pricey gear, you might need the right licenses. This adds up to your startup costs.

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24. Blogging

Blogging is a popular type of writing and can be an awesome source of passive income. But just remember that running a successful blog requires a lot of patience and effort.

Besides making money through ads and sponsorship, having a blog is a great way to connect with your audience and build brand authority. (That’s also why I invest so much into my blog!)

25. Career coaching

As a career coach, you could help people with:

  • Job searches
  • Promotions
  • Career transitions
  • Getting better at their current job

The impact of career coaching can be big, with 62% of clients saying they improved their career opportunities.

This success also means great earning potential for coaches. For instance, my student Emily from Cultivitae runs a thriving six-figure business.

Her job? Helping professionals land their dream jobs.

Screenshot of Cultivitae website
My Student Emily runs a six-figure career coaching business

26. Gardening

With the right approach, your love for gardening can grow into a flourishing business.

As a gardener, you can earn money through:

  • Workshops or classes
  • Landscape design services
  • Garden maintenance
  • Selling plants
  • Garden consulting

But keep in mind that it’s physically demanding. Plus, the seasonal aspect may limit your income at certain times of the year.

27. Personal stylist

Do your friends always come to you for fashion advice?

Then why not turn that talent into a career as a personal stylist?

Here’s how you can earn money:

  • Personal styling sessions: Charge clients for individual styling advice
  • Wardrobe consultations: Help clients revamp their closets
  • Brand collaborations: Partner with clothing brands and stores

This job generally requires a lot of networking. But the main downside is that your income is limited to the number of clients you can handle. This puts a fixed cap on your income.

Next Level Wardrobe website
For example, my friend Cassandra Sethi is a personal stylist with 20+ years of experience in the fashion industry

28. Dance instruction

In recent years, many dancers have found money and fame on platforms like TikTok and Instagram.

Of course, that’s not the only way to turn your moves into cash.

You can also:

  • Teach classes
  • Perform
  • Offer private coaching
  • License your choreography
  • Develop dance-fitness programs

If you teach in person, the physical nature of this job means you can only do so much in a day. Expanding into online courses helps overcome these limits.

29. Personal organizing

Is turning chaos into order one of your superpowers?

Good news: Many business owners require someone just like you.

By decluttering spaces, you make them more functional. And clients also tend to feel more peaceful and productive.

Unfortunately, this business model usually needs a hands-on approach, which limits how many clients you can handle.

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30. Event planning   

As an event planner, you make someone’s special day unforgettable.

This can be very rewarding, but the pressure of getting every detail right is challenging. You’ll also need a network of reliable vendors and venues.

To boost your income, you could:

  • Offer packages that include extra services like event marketing or website design
  • Specialize in niche markets like luxury or corporate events

31. Travel coaching

To be a successful travel coach, you’ll need:

  • Good knowledge of travel destinations
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Great communication abilities
  • Problem-solving skills to handle unexpected travel issues
Screenshot of Kacie Rose website
Kacie Rose is a travel consultant for people traveling to Italy

Do you tick all these boxes? 

Then here are some ways you could earn money with this business:

  • Charge for personalized travel itineraries
  • Offer consultation services for travel documents, insurance, and safety
  • Create and sell destination guides and travel planning kits

Awesome! We’ve covered the TOP fun hobbies that make money.

But how do you even get started with turning your hobby into an income?

Let’s explore that next.

How to start making money from a hobby in 4 steps

Turning a hobby into cash isn’t too complicated — as long as you have the right strategy.

Let’s take a look at the four important steps.

Steps to make money from your hobby

1. Find a business idea and model

Everything starts with an idea. But here’s the thing:

You really don’t need a groundbreaking concept.

Rather, focus on what you already excel at and what others need.

Here’s how to get started:

  • Leverage your skills: What are you good at? By using your current skills, you can get started right away.
  • Choose a smart business model: The best business models have a high-profit margin and low initial costs. Coaching and consulting are some of the most profitable, low-cost business models because you can get started with what you already know.
  • Find your niche: Narrowing down can make you the go-to person in your field. Ask yourself: What specific part of my hobby are people always curious about?
  • Validate your idea with market research: Before diving in, confirm there’s a demand. Talk to potential customers, use surveys, or explore relevant online forums.

For example, when I first got started, I looked at what I could do based on my existing skills. I tried Excel consulting and career coaching before I settled on digital advertising consulting. 

For more tips on how to find your niche, check out this video I put together for you:

Action steps: 

✅ Choose the right business model 

✅ Find a niche based on your skills and market demand

Next up?

Starting your business the right way — on the side.

2. Start your business on the side

I know how tempting it is to go all in. Yet it’s often much smarter to start your business as a SIDE hustle.

For instance, I grew my own business to six figures before quitting my job.

Here’s why:

When you start your business on the side, you give yourself the cushion of financial security

You don’t have to rush decisions to pay bills. Instead, you can make strategic choices that set your business up for success.

Sure, juggling both limits your time. But guess what?

This simply forces you to be more efficient.

Skip whatever doesn’t move the needle. And focus on the key tasks that grow your business, like:

  • Refining your offer
  • Finding customers
  • Effective marketing

In this video, I share more advice on managing your time when you have a job and a side hustle:

Action steps: 

✅ Zero in on the things that help you get your first client

✅ Find time for your business whenever you have gaps in your schedule (lunch breaks, evenings, or weekends)

Starting your business on the side is a smart move. Want to know what else is?

Keeping your finances in check.

Let’s look at that next.

3. Keep your finances in check

As mentioned earlier, the best business models require little upfront cost but can offer great returns.

You see, the lower your financial investment, the lower your risk. This gives you more flexibility to tweak plans without worrying about losing a lot of money.

Now, what else should you do besides picking the right business model?

Here are two smart financial moves:

  • Split your finances: Separate your personal and business accounts. This makes it much easier to track your cash flow.
  • Track key metrics: Focus on metrics like new leads, sales inquiries, actual sales, and profits. These figures show you what’s working and what needs tweaking.
Key business metrics
Always track these key business metrics

Action steps: 

✅ Create a separate business account for all your business expenses and income

✅ Keep track of key metrics like leads and sales to understand how you can change your strategy to find clients 

With your finances sorted, the next step is actually finding your first few clients…

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4. Find your first clients

Ready to land your first clients?

Here’s my advice:

  • Focus on one client at a time: It’s less overwhelming, and you can use the feedback to keep getting better.
  • Engage and offer value: Figure out where potential customers are, like Reddit, Instagram, or niche forums. Next, show off your value by answering questions and offering targeted advice. This puts you on people’s radar and builds trust.
  • Leverage success stories: Happy clients can give you testimonials and reviews. These are powerful tools. They build credibility and prove that you deliver real results.

At first, finding clients takes time and effort. But as your business grows, you’ll start seeing people coming to you instead of you having to seek them out.

Action steps: 

✅ Go to where your clients are and start building relationships with them 

✅ Answer comments, post your own advice, and be helpful 

What’s next?

There you have it! You now know the best hobbies that make money and how YOU can get started yourself.

Turning your hobby into cash doesn’t just provide some nice extra income, it may also pave the way to becoming a full-time entrepreneur.

Of course, there’s a lot more that goes into running a thriving business…

Want to know what it takes?

Then check out my FREE guide on building a six-figure online business.

It teaches you exactly how to set up your business the right way in easy-to-follow steps.

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Read more:

How to Start a Freedom Business

How to Finally Go from Employee to Entrepreneur

How to Overcome Your Fear of Starting a Business

About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online Freedom Business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

Hope you enjoy this blog post.

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