Business Coaching
How to finally get back control of your time and use it to grow your business much more effectively...
So you can make more while working less
If you feel like you’ve already tried every “trick” and “tip” available to improve your productivity, but they don’t seem to be helping…
And you could scream if even one more person tells you the “secret” is to wake up at 4AM…
BUT, you also know something’s gotta change—or else you’re on a one-way road to burnout, hating your business (and life), feeling guilty for all the time you’re taking away from your loved ones, and yet, despite all that, still not having the business you want…
I’ve got just the thing for you.
(And no, it’s not another sounds-good-but-actually-useless “productivity” tip.)
I built my first online business to 6-figures…on the side…while working a very demanding 9-to-5 (at a tech start-up…with start-up hours).
Nowadays, I run as a coaching/course business that takes less than 20 hours a week of my time. And as of the creation of this training, I’m also in the process of launching two other businesses later this year.
What’s more, over the past near-decade, I’ve personally helped over 1,000 people successfully start and grow their own businesses… while balancing young kids, busy jobs, advanced degrees, other businesses, lots of personal travel, and more. In other words: Having plenty of time for everything else in their life.
And I’ve done/do all of this while requiring at least nine hours of sleep every night. 😲
Suffice it to say, I’m not a “productivity” expert by any means. But I am an expert at getting business DONE.
And today, I’m going to share how you too can master this skill—and the time-freeing, income-increasing results that come with it.
Let’s start with addressing the elephant in the room…
The truth is…these are actually two completely different things.
Because building a business is not about being more “productive” or more “efficient.”
It’s about being more effective.
In other words…
It’s not about trying to find more time by depriving yourself of sleep or time with your loved ones.
And it’s not about trying to achieve impossible levels of discipline or focus either.
What it’s actually about…
Is knowing how to best leverage the time you do have, no matter how limited…and getting the most (in terms of business results and growth) out of it.
Unfortunately, this isn’t something most entrepreneurs talk about. Because most of them have also been taught that the only way to succeed is to work non-stop until hopefully it all pays off…someday.
Sure, that’s one way to go about it—the “brute force” way.
But, if you’re tired of that and know it’s not sustainable, smart, or the way you want to live…
Let me show you the much smarter—not to mention much more profitable—way.
This is a detailed, 4-part audio training breaking down the entire DONE process I’ve used to build a 6-figure business on the side, run a 7-figure coaching/course business in less than 20 hours a week—and help busy parents, employees, business owners, and more grow their own businesses more than they thought possible…while also finally having plenty of time to live their life.
In short, whether you’re in a busy 9-to-5 and working your side hustle, or are a full-time business owner wanting to grow your business faster, I’ll show you how by sharing my best business, time, relationship, and personal management tips to get more done while working less.
Here’s what you’ll learn with the DONE process…
What I teach in each lesson could be a course of its own. After all, every time I offer my trainings, clients routinely tell me they’ve paid $1,000+ for similar-ish content…without getting nearly as much value as from just one of the lessons.
However, I’m packaging them together at a much lower price for a few reasons:
First, the audios.
These trainings were recorded on my laptop. And since they’re audio-only, they don’t come with any visuals either.
Don’t get me wrong: The content is the same best-in-class teachings you’ll always get from me.
But I’m factoring the format into the price.
Second, the lesson structure.
While the content is thorough and detailed, my trainings (including this one) are different from my courses.
Because my trainings are usually recordings of me teaching in a more conversational manner, you get more details, coaching, and examples. However, it’s different from the conciseness and convenience of my premium courses.
So I’m factoring that into the price as well.
Finally, because I—selfishly—want you to have it.
Basically, my goal is that even if you get just one “AHA!” from this series, you’ll get an epic return on your investment.
If you’ve never purchased from me before: This is a great way to jumpstart your progress while also getting a feel for my teaching style. At a fraction of the price of my courses. (Warning: This usually causes people to fall in love with me and my teachings…and become clients for life.)
If you’re already a client of mine: Use this series to complement what you already have, go deeper with your understanding and motivation, and get even better results.
These trainings are packed with additional details and AHA’s that I simply can’t fit into my courses. So you never know what hugely profitable gem you’ll pick up on.
Either way, this series is meant to help you get better results TODAY.
So if you’re ready to start getting a lot more DONE in your business, so you can grow your business faster while having a lot more free time to actually enjoy your life…enroll now to get access to the series.
Once you click the button below and submit your order, you’ll automatically receive an email with instructions for accessing your new DONE training inside my custom mobile + desktop app.
After that, you’ll have lifetime access to the content, to listen and use in the way that works best for you.
Please note: As with any business-related program, your results may vary from those listed. Testimonials used are of my own results or the results actual clients personally achieved. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a range of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. “DONE” is not a “get rich quick scheme.” It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful business, and while we – and our students – believe this program gives you incredible and comprehensive guidance, ultimately, you do have to do the work.
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