How to use your words to stand out and captivate your ideal clients’ attention...
so YOU are they one they buy from

If so, I’ve got a serious “shortcut” to help you start connecting with your dream clients and making sales much faster.

Think of it like learning a new language…which you could say learning copywriting is very similar to anyways.

In fact, let’s get real specific and say it’s like you’re about to visit a country that doesn’t speak much English, so you have to learn enough to get by. (So you can, you know…eat, use the restroom, and have a place to sleep at night.)

And, to up the stakes a bit more, let’s say you’re a procrastinator (like me) and waited until just one day before your trip to figure it out.

What would you do?

(This is actually now very similar to learning copywriting for your business, because who has the luxury of taking months, or even years, to learn copywriting before diving in and making sales?)

Well, if you’re like me the night before I visited Japan—mostly small towns, not the big cities, so I really did have to learn some Japanese…

You’ll focus on the relatively few key words and phrases you really need to get by.

Take numbers for example… 

I learned just one number, “ichi” (one), and spent my entire trip saying ‘ichi’ while pointing at each thing I wanted to eat—one at a time…which my family will now make fun of me for doing for the rest of all time.

So be it though. Because this way, in a very short amount of time, you’ve learned what you need to get results even if you haven’t mastered the skill or aren’t even that good at it yet. Again, like with me and my Japanese.

(Full caveat: You absolutely should learn the full skill…but it’s a lot easier to do once you’ve made some sales first. Which is where Client Captivation comes in.)

If you don't know me, I'm Luisa Zhou.

I’m the former Space Station engineer turned entrepreneur who built a 7-figure business from scratch in 11 months. Since then, I’ve helped thousands of men and women over the past 8+ years – To build their own businesses, stand out, and captivate their dream clients.

What’s more, I did all this while not fitting any of the stereotypes for a successful entrepreneur…

I’m not loud or in your face.

Talking about how amazing I am doesn’t come naturally to me.

I don’t curse.

I’m incredibly private.

And I don’t (often) take photos of my walk-in closet, designer handbags, or jetset lifestyle.

Yet, I was able to quickly rise to the top of a very crowded industry, build an audience of loyal customers and raving fans, and grow my business faster than anyone can believe.

In large part because I learned how to quickly master the basics—which is all you need to get started—of copywriting. 

So that my words stood out even when I didn’t…

How can you use your words to connect and sell when you haven't learned copywriting and aren’t a natural “writer”?

Let me give you a hint with this quote…

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
— Maya Angelou

Because it’s just as true for connecting with your dream clients as it is for connecting with people in “real life.”

In other words (pun intended!)…

The key to connecting with your dream clients—through your website, your social media, or your emails—in a way that makes them want to buy from you?

Isn’t how much talent you have with words or how good of a copywriter you are. (Sure, that helps. But if you don’t have that yet—which most of us don’t starting out—it doesn’t have to hold you back from making plenty of sales.)

What is the key is how well you’re able to help your dream clients tap into their feelings—pain, interest, trust, belief, and of course, desire.

Because if you can do that, they’ll naturally be interested in what you have to say and sell.

I call this…

Client Captivation. 

And I’ve broken down how you can captivate YOUR clients this way into a simple 4-part process. 

In short: 

Remember those few key words and phrases (ichi *while pointing*, ichi *pointing some more*, ichi *pointing while my family cracks up in the background*) I learned to get by in Japan?

The equivalent for your business is learning the handful of key “Captivators”—a few sentences to invoke your dream clients’ pain, interest, trust, belief, and desire.

Which are all you need to start connecting and making sales.

So if you want to… 

Then you don’t want to miss this.


An up-until-now “secret” series of 4 detailed livestream recordings that I taught to an exclusive group of private clients (who paid $3,000+).

Where I share my top 4 strategies for captivating your clients’ attention and sales...while being yourself, talking about what you care about, and sharing your message.

Love real examples? You’ll see me coach actual clients through the process (so you know how to use what I teach for yourself), guide you through common mistakes to avoid, and lay out the tangible action steps you need to take in order to start having your dream clients say….”You’re the coach for me!”

Here’s how this training series works: 

And by the way, you’ll love that there’s zero fluff or theory inside these trainings. (That includes no worksheets.)

You'll Get...

Instant access (and unlimited replays) to 4 of my most powerful and profitable trainings ever:

Your Attention Captivators

It doesn’t matter how great your content and offer is if no one is paying attention or knows about it. That’s why the first step is to captivate your audience’s attention.

Your Desire Captivators

What’s next after you’ve captured your audience’s attention? Capturing their Desire. In other words, amplifying their desire to be a part of your world, want the results you/your clients have, and ultimately to buy from you.

Your Curiosity Captivators

Nothing will kill your sales faster than boredom. If your potential clients think they’ve already seen or tried what you’re selling, they’ll be gone faster than you can believe…most likely never to come back.

On the flip side, when you can captivate their curiosity with your offer, you’ll be surprised at how effortlessly you stand out and become their go-to choice.

Your Sales Captivators

By this point, you’ve captivated your audience’s attention, desire, and curiosity. In this video, I walk you through the 3 questions you must be able to answer in order to successfully wrap up your customer’s journey and bring in the sale.

Each video includes:

The point of this series is to guide you through...

Get instant access (and unlimited replays) to all Four Training Videos instantly when you sign up below.

Previously, these trainings were only available to select clients who paid $3,000+.

What I teach in each video could be a course of its own, and if I were to sell them separately, the cost would be thousands of dollars. However, I’m packaging them together at a much lower price for a few reasons:

First, the videos. 

These trainings were recorded on my laptop, so the visual quality is not the same as in my premium courses. 

Don’t get me wrong: The content is the same best-in-class teachings you’ll always get from me. 

But I’m factoring the visual aesthetic into the price.

Second, the lesson structure. 

While the content is thorough and detailed (as my clients who paid $3,000+ can attest to), my trainings, like this one, are different from my courses. 

Because these recordings are long-form videos, you get more details, coaching, and examples. 

However, it’s different from the conciseness and convenience of my premium courses. 

So, I’m factoring that into the price as well.

Finally, because I (selfishly) want you to have it. 

Basically, my goal is that even if you get just one “AHA!” from this series, you’ll get an epic return on your investment. 

If you’ve never purchased a course from me before: This is a great way to jumpstart your progress while also getting a feel for my teaching style. At a fraction of the price of my courses. (Warning: This usually causes people to fall in love with what and how I teach…and become clients for life.) 

If you’re already a student of mine: Use this series to complement the content you already have, go deeper with your understanding and motivation, and get even better results. These trainings are packed with additional details and AHA’s that I simply can’t fit into my courses. So you never know what hugely profitable gem you’ll pick up on.

Either way, this series is meant to help you get started TODAY. 

So if you’re ready to jump right in…

Click the button below to be taken to the order form. As soon as you submit your order, you’ll get an email with your access to everything.

**All sales are final.**

Wins, AHA’s, and takeaways that’ll start happening immediately (from comments straight from the actual livestreams):

**Note: All sales are final.**

Please note: As with any business-related program, your results may vary from those listed. Testimonials used are of my own results or the results actual clients personally achieved. They are not intended to represent or guarantee that current or future clients will achieve the same or similar results. Your results will be based on many variables, such as your level of effort, personal qualities, knowledge, skills, and a range of other factors. Since these factors differ for each individual, we cannot guarantee your success, results, or income level, nor are we responsible for your success or failure. “Client Captivation” is not a “get rich quick scheme.” It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful business, and while we – and our students – believe this program gives you incredible and comprehensive guidance, ultimately, you do have to do the work.

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