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Business Coach For Coaches: How to Work With One

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Want to hire a business coach to grow your coaching business? 

A business coach for coaches can help you uplevel your business, find ideal clients, and reach a great income. In this article, you’ll learn how a business coach can help you and how to find the best coach for you.

Read on to learn more.

What do business coaches do?

So what do business coaches do? 

A business coach is a professional who helps you achieve your business goals. They use a combination of mindset techniques and strategy to support you in your business-building journey. 

Business coaches focus on the overall health of your business–your systems, your revenue, and your clients.

Other types of coaches help people with more specific business areas. 

For example…

Sales coaches help you sell better. 

Confidence coaches help you raise your confidence. 

And executive coaches help you become a better leader.

So considering all the choices out there, why work with a business coach? 

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There are tons of ways in which a business coach can help you thrive. 

Some coaches specialize in helping new coaches launch their coaching businesses–for example, to create a launch strategy, identify your niche, and find your first paying clients

Other coaches work with established business owners to take their businesses to the next level. That could be setting new financial targets and plotting a strategy to get there. 

Ultimately, all business coaches have a different signature process to help their clients. 

That said, can you be sure that a business coach will help you? 

Here’s what you need to know. 

Can a business coach really help you? 

Yes and no. 

Yes, because the right business coach can supercharge your business potential to a completely new level. There’s a reason why one in six entrepreneurs turn to a coach to improve their performance. 

And why those who seek out mentors are generally successful entrepreneurs. (One-third of successful entrepreneurs have turned to a mentor, whereas only 14% of business owners with failed businesses have done the same.)

The evidence is all there. A coach can be an invaluable guide, helping you reach new heights. 

But there’s a catch.

Getting a business coach isn’t a fix-all solution. You still have to do the work. 

Your coach gives you the tools to scale. YOU have to use the tools to build your business. 

That means, getting out of your own way and keeping up your motivation to work on your business. Here’s what I mean: 

The wrong business coach can also hurt your business. There are tons of ways a coach could be the wrong fit for you. 

For example, they may not have the right experience. Definitely look for a coach who has experience in building a business successfully. 

And if you want help in a specific area of your business, look for a coach or professional in that field. (So as a coach, look for someone who has experience building coaching businesses.)

Plus, look for someone who is a good fit for you–and who you like working with. 

The coaching relationship has to be solid. You need trust, respect, and understanding between you and your coach to make your business soar. 

But what type of coach should you work with? Let’s take a look. 

What type of business coach should you work with?

Let’s start with the basics. 

A great business coach for coaches should have experience building a coaching business. 

Why? Well, the business model for coaching is totally different from other businesses. 

Even other service businesses operate differently from coaches. Let’s take a wedding planner. Wedding planning is a service-based business but it’s almost “done for you.” A wedding planner will find the venue, and vendors and manage the client’s budget to get them to their goal. 

On the other hand, coaches are more like consultants. They guide their clients to achieve their goals. You need a business coach who can understand how this business model works. 

Not just what you do but how to create income streams.  

For example, I built three successful businesses before starting my current business. And I’ve co-founded a marketing agency. Today, I’ve helped thousands of people start their coaching businesses. 

Not to mention all the testimonials out there…

Here’s one example: My client Ruby replaced her 9-5 income as a relationship coach. 

This experience gives my clients confidence that they’re working with a pro in business. 

Similarly, if you’re right at the beginning of your journey, wanting to leave your 9-5, you want a coach that is great at launching. They understand the tools you need to get your first clients and will build your confidence as a coach yourself. 

The type of business coach you choose will depend on your goals. Ask yourself:

#1: What are your pain points? 

#2: Where do you need the most support in your business?

Now, apart from who you should work with, how do you know you can trust their credentials? 

Let’s take a look. 

What qualifies someone to be a business coach?

There are business coaching programs out there that can certify a coach. These programs involve learning how to motivate and strategize with clients to help them achieve their goals. 

But coaching is an unregulated industry. Which means: Certifications don’t make a coach.

Instead, experience and results do. 

In other words, certifications won’t teach coaches how to coach. Real business experience will. 

That said, how much should you reasonably expect to pay for your coach? 

Here’s what you need to know.

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How much should you pay for a business coach?

Here’s the thing:

The rate you pay a business coach depends on the coach, their packages, and credentials. 

Business coaching rates tend to go from thousands to hundreds of thousands.

So yeah, there’s a lot of variation in the industry.

That’s why, when searching for a business coach, you might wonder: 

“Are business coaches worth the money?”

YES. Top business coaches for entrepreneurs are worth the money IF you find the right one for you. 

Focus on finding the coach that has the skills and knowledge that you need. Their guidance and expertise will pay for themselves in the end. 

However, if you’re at the beginning of your business journey and your budget isn’t there yet, you can get similar support in other ways. For example, my Employee to Entrepreneur course will take you step by step through the process of building a profitable business (more on that later!).

But what are the reasons for hiring a business coach? Here’s what you need to know. 

Why hire a business coach for coaches?

So business coaches have their place in the market. But why should YOU hire one to help you take your coaching business to the next level? 

It’s all about what they help you to do and how they do it. Let’s learn more about both. 

What can a business coach help you with?

Remember that a business coach can’t do the work for you. They can guide you to your goal with expert advice and support, but it’s on you to follow that advice. A few of the techniques business coaches might use to get you there include: 

#1. Goal setting

We all know how to set a goal, right? 

Well, it’s not as simple as you might think!

Bill Gates famously said we overestimate what we can do in a year and underestimate what we can do in ten years. 

Setting a realistic, actionable goal is hard! Especially if you’re new to the coaching business and don’t know what expectations to set.  

If you want to learn more about setting goals, I do have a video on the topic:

(See me as your cool big sister online! I’m happy to share this content most would charge good money for.)

#2. Accountability

Ever tried to do a challenge and ask someone to keep you on task?

That’s the beauty of accountability. Studies show that you are 65% more likely to meet your goals if you commit to another person. The percentage jumps to 95% if you have ongoing check-ins with the accountability partner to monitor progress. 

That’s what a coach can do for you. 

By having regular check-ins and keeping you on task, you’ll feel supported and capable of achieving your goals. 

But can’t you get the same effect with a friend? 

Not really. Your friend is more likely to let you waver on your goals or not keep you on task. Coaches are professionals who won’t let you fail easily.

The accountability you get from a coach is different from a friend too. Your friend is likely to check that you’re making the revenue you want to make. A (good) coach digs deeper to understand why you’re not hitting your goals and switching up strategies if certain strategies don’t work for you.  

See the difference? One is about the goal. The other is about the process. By focusing on strategy, your coach can help you take actionable steps toward your goal and keep track of your process.

#3. Strategic planning 

Strategy is everything in business. 

You cannot put a price on a clear roadmap. 

As an example, when I wanted to sell my first self-study course, I had to spend thousands of dollars and spend years testing my strategy to get the result I wanted. 

Now I can help a client follow the same blueprint to profitability much faster.

Like here: 

Ultimately, what benefits do you get from working with a coach? Here’s what you need to know.

What are the benefits of working with a business coach?

So that’s what a coach can do for you. How can coaching benefit you? These are the ways coaching has benefitted me and my clients in the past. 


The biggest way I’ve benefited from coaches in the past is simple: They gave me shortcuts.

When I was just starting my first online business, I worked with a sales coach to learn how to do sales calls. Within weeks I was confident making sales calls and closing sales consistently. 

How long would it have taken me to learn that on my own? Who knows!

That’s what a great coach can do for you. Their experience and past mistakes become your roadmap to success. 

Oh, and by the way, if you want to hear about some embarrassing mistakes I made in my first year of business, check out this video. This is the kind of valuable insight you’ll get from a professional coach.


Your business coach is your professional cheerleader. 

There’s nothing like having access to a great business mind to bounce ideas off of whenever you need it. 

Building a coaching business can be tough too. Your coach will support you through the difficult stages and help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Speaking of which… 


Mindset is key to building any successful business but especially a coaching business. 

Why? Getting started in coaching can be discouraging in the beginning. Especially if you haven’t done it before. 

You can find some great first clients if you know where to look. If you don’t, it can feel like shouting into the void with your content. Traction can take time. 

Your coach will keep you positive and looking forward to the business success you can create. 

If you’re already a successful coach and want to raise your income or strengthen your business, a business coach can teach you the mindset you need to have to reach your goals. 


It’s not just what you do but how you do it! 

Creating a six-figure coaching business probably sounds intimidating. How many clients would you have to enlist? Would you ever have a work-life balance? 

A coach can show you how to work smart and not harder. 

They’ll teach you what aspects of your business you can outsource to make your workflow more efficient. And they might help you understand other income streams that can boost your income.

Now you know WHY a coach can help you. But how do you find one? Let’s find out. 

How to find the best business coaching services for you

Finding a business coach is the hardest part! Here is how I’ve found the best coaches I’ve ever worked with and rookie mistakes to avoid. 

What are you looking for in a business coach? 

Whenever I’ve searched for a coach or consultant, I always ask myself this question:

What is the specific goal that I want to achieve?

If you’re launching your first coaching business, your needs are very different from someone who has been a coach for years. Both can find value in a business coach so it’s important to define what you’re looking for: 

  • Do you want a business coach with specific experience in niche coaching? (Such as a former health coach if you yourself are building a health coaching business.)
  • What working style do you prefer?
  • How available do you want your coach to be to answer questions between sessions?
  • What is your budget and how long do you want your coaching package to be?
  • Do you want an online coach or someone local?

These are questions to figure out before you start your search. The coaching industry is huge so this will help you narrow down your options. 

Where do you find business coaches? 

Now you’ve identified the type of coach you’re looking for, you can start searching for them. 

Where do you find a good business coach?

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Here are a few ideas: 

  • Word of mouth If you have any colleagues who have worked with a great coach, ask them for a referral. It’s invaluable to get a direct recommendation because you can also ask about a coach’s style. 
  • LinkedIn LinkedIn search is a powerful tool for finding coaches and consultants. On LinkedIn, you’ll be able to see the person’s business experience. You can also see their articles and videos on LinkedIn which will help you decide if they are right for you. 
  • Google! The key to finding a coach on Google is to be specific. If you’re looking for a business coach for coaches, search for that. You can even get more specific like “business coach for female entrepreneurs”. 

But how do you ultimately vet your coach? Here’s how. 

How do you know they know what they’re talking about? 

Want to know if a coach’s style will work for you? Check out their blogs, videos, and podcasts to figure it out. 

Once you find a coach you resonate with and might want to work with, check their credentials. 

When you do this research, ask yourself: 

  • What experience do they have as a coach?
  • How much contact will you have with them during our coaching?
  • What expectations do you have? 
  • Do they have testimonials from old clients? 

Above all, trust your intuition. Do you feel comfortable with this coach? If not, they’re not for you.

Once you’re done with your research, reach out to them to hop on a discovery call with them. 

This is where the fun begins! Meeting a coach and imagining the heights you can reach together is exciting. The secret to a good consultation is to not get too carried away with your excitement.

Use your consultation as an opportunity to get a feel for how they work and if they’re the right fit for you based on your needs. 

And I mean it–really make sure they’re the right one for YOU.

At the beginning of my career, I wasted $18,000 on a coach that wasn’t right for me. 

Because I was so excited, I signed the coaching agreement with the wrong coach within 48 hours of meeting them. I wish I had taken more time to make sure they were going to deliver on their promises. 

Instead, I got a “hope and pray” coach as opposed to someone who would have helped me with strategies and action. 

If you don’t want to make the same, expensive mistake like I did, make sure you vet your coach before signing on to work with them. 

And that’s how you find a business coach to work with. But if you can’t find a business coach right now or the timing just isn’t right, are there alternatives? 

Yes, there are. 

What are the alternatives to a business coach?

What if you’re not at the stage of business where you want a full coaching package? Some alternatives can still create good results. 

Finding a mentor

You’re probably wondering, what is the difference between business coaching and mentoring? 

Great question! 

Traditionally a mentor is someone who you go to for career or business advice. It’s informal. You might have lunch with them now and again to check in on your progress, but they’re not that involved in your growth as a professional. 

So a mentor is not a replacement for a coach. A coach gets paid to help you, and is therefore accountable to you. A mentor is not. 

And to find a mentor, you have to network and nurture relationships over time with people who do the work you want to do. It can take time to build a mentoring relationship. And not everyone you admire would make a great mentor. 

Honestly, I don’t love mentorships. 

Sure, they can work for some people if you’re lucky enough to find someone who is invested in you. But mentorships are difficult to find and have no structure. 

It’s more efficient to find a coach with the exact knowledge you need. 

I talk more about why coaching is better than mentorships in this video: 

Opting for an online course

There is tons of coaching information online–podcasts, LinkedIn articles, webinars, and more. 

These are all great resources, but there’s a catch. 

Using free online information can be way slower than working one-on-one with a coach. (And it can be much costlier, too.)

Why? Because you’re putting together your own information instead of getting the best knowledge directly from an expert. 

Without a coach, you also have to keep yourself accountable. There’s no one checking your progress toward your goals and helping you work through challenges. 

But what if you can’t find a business coach for you right now but still want a roadmap to success?

There is a way forward! Online courses. 

A great online course for coaches is the perfect in-between. You get the flexibility of working at your own pace but also have a complete blueprint for success. 

My Employee-to-Entrepreneur course is a step-by-step blueprint specifically for people who want to ditch the 9-5 and start a thriving coaching business. It’s designed for you to complete while you’re in a full-time job, so you have a clear pathway to entrepreneurial success. In this self-guided course, you’ll learn all of the skills you need. Starting with how to choose a profitable niche, how to organize your time, and how to book your first coaching clients. It’s everything you would learn in a one-to-one coaching package but in an easy-to-follow course. 

If you’re curious to know if it’s for you, click here to register for when the course reopens.

What’s next?

Now you know what a business coach for coaches is and how to find one. The most important thing is to focus on the kind of help to take your business to the next level.

If you’re looking for the right strategy, then an online course can help.

Want to learn more about my program, Employee to Entrepreneur?

Learn more here:

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About Luisa Zhou

Luisa Zhou has helped thousands of students build and scale their own profitable online coaching business. Fun Fact: She used to work as an engineer for the Space Station and holds a B.S.E. from Princeton. Click here to learn more about Luisa.

Hope you enjoy this blog post.

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2 Responses

  1. You made a good point that strategizing is also a huge thing to consider when planning to get transformational business coaching services. I’m interested in looking for a good service like that because I plan to change careers someday. Being able to properly plan that out will surely be instrumental for my success later down the line.

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How to build a 6-figure online business that frees you from the 9-to-5

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